Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

'V' is for some Very good wines!

I know it has been a while since my last post, but that doesn't mean we haven't been tasting wine. Stay tuned for more posts to come!

The Invitation:
Please Verify your ‘Vailability to Venture to the Valley on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. The Venue will be the Dew Villa for a Variety of Vintage Vials of V wines for a Voluntary pre-Valentine Version of the now infamous Vibrant Vino sampling nights.

A Variety of Various Vegetables with Vermicelli (or a Version thereof), perhaps with a Velvety sauce, and a salad with Vinaigrette will be ‘Vailable to accompany the Various VIP Vintner offerings procured from a Valley Vendor.

Vehicular Voyage to the Valley should not be too Vigorous for a Vivacious Visit. Various family members are also invited. We are Vying for Verbose “Verbal” replies to Validate or Veto your attendance at this Venture. We hope you will not fall Victim to experiencing it Vicariously!

Very truly yours,
Dee Dee & Charlie

The Responses:
Two of the Voluptuous Mealeys will Volunteer to drink from the Vessel of Vino. Thanks, Bob

Vociferous Venerations,
Various Vino Varietals will be Valued by a pair of Votaries, Linda and myself.  The Volubility of this response is only a mere Vicissitude of Verbose Vocal Vowels and a Vane Veneer of a Vacant response, of such a Venerated invitation. Both of us Voluntarily take a Vow attesting to our Voyage to the Dew’s Villa on February 7th.  We will bring our Voracious appetites and with Vigor present out Vermillion Vinos for all to enjoy.   Let us all increase our Verbal Volume, without concern to Venial and/or Vermifuge Values.  May we all (y’all down south), Venture to Violate the Vows of the Valkyries and sing of Verve, not death. 
sic Vinum modicum      ~Wayne

Ve vill be in attendance at this very velcoming event. Verily, ve vill be missing a venerated member of our family (perhaps vorking, or playing a vampire). [does this accent sound like the Virgin Islands? Could be!] in vino veritas (or at least quotes of the night)  ~jessica

Very late in verifying our viability to attend this venue.  Volunteering to taste Vintage grapes from the vine.  Vested interest exists in the veracity of the wine verdict.
Virtuously yours, Elizabeth and Andy

Wine #1: ES VINO Reserver Malbec 2013 Argentina  $15.99
Tasting comments:
Jess: “Very Dark”
Mike “Nice color”

Bob “Dry tongue”
Elizabeth “Vibrant taste”
Jess “Tastes like vino”
Robert “Di Vine”
Charlie “More light than it is heavy”
Andy “Light but substantial”
Bob “Somewhat voluptuous”
Becky “Subtle aroma”
Karen “I love the color. I like it. Very smooth.”
Dee Dee “Berry”
Karen “Too berry to say it’s velvety”
Sean “Not bad”
Dee Dee “First taste dry, then it gets better. I would drink this again.”
Wayne “Victorious Vintage”
Becky “Very smooth” Linda “Light. Not much finish”
Jess “Do you fee validated?”
Bob “Or violated?”

Bob 7.5, Karen 7.5, Mike 8, Becky 7.5, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 7.5, Wayne 7, Linda 7, Charlie 7.5, Dee Dee 7.5,  Jessica 7, Sean 7, Robert 8, Kara 7.5

Wine #2:  Vivanco Crianza 2010 Rioja Tempranillo  $14.99
Tasting comments:
Sean “It has a strong smell”

Charlie “Lush and Soft”
Bob “I keep being called that!”
Karen “Lighter than the first one”
Becky “Smells really good”
Jess “I agree with that. Not very bold. Kind of a dry finish.”
Wayne “This is really good with with the lasagna”
Dee Dee “The finish on this is dry. The first one was dry up front.”
Elizabeth “Smooth finish”
Wayne “Leather, black cherries, anise and a high of smoke. The only thing better than the first taste is the finish”
Becky “A hint of pepper”

Bob 7.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 8, Andy 8.5, Elizabeth 8, Wayne 8.5, Linda 7, Charlie 8, Dee Dee 7,  Jessica 7.5, Sean 6.5, Robert 7.5, Kara 7

Wine #3:  Valpolicella 2013 Allegrini Dry Red Wine Italy  $14.99
Tasting comments:
Mike “Look at how dark this is. Black currant.”
Becky “Tastes a little tart”
Elizabeth “It puckers your mouth”
Bob “I kind of like it”
Wayne “No finish”
Sean “It wasn’t good” (he passed his to Mike)
Charlie “Light and slightly acidic”
Mike “Sour patch kid wine”
Kara “I’ve had worse”
Andy “It’s ‘verve-less’”
Elizabeth “A veneer of acid”
Linda “A dry, tarty finish”
Dee Dee “Light and sour”
Karen “Ditto”

Bob 6.5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 6, Andy 6, Elizabeth 5.5, Wayne 6, Linda 5.5, Charlie 6.5, Dee Dee 5.5,  Jessica 6, Sean 2, Robert 6, Kara 5.5

Friday, July 24, 2015

'U' Won't believe how Good these Wines are!

The Invitation:
Subject: Uletide Kickoff (official email) 
Dear Usual Suspects,
U have been deemed up to snuff to kick off the Uletide at 122 New Road, Avon where U wines will be unveiled. It has been unanimously decided that Friday, 12/19 at 7 works for all. We are undeterred by the perceived difficulty of finding this under-appreciated letter. Fun and merriment will be ubiquitous. While the evening is unstuffy, kindly rsvp so there will not be an uproar when there is an utter lack of seating :)

Uncompromisingly yours,
~jessica  (sean & sophia)

The Responses:
Undoubtedly, the Ultimate Understanding of oenological experiences will occur that during this Utopia festival.  All who do not embrace this Union will face our Unbridled Umbrage.  We will Uncover Unearthly delights Ushering in Unexpected and Unforeseen hedonistic pleasures.  Ubietly we will gather at the McBee homestead with an Uncared and Unrestrained exuberance.  As always, our Uvulas will Undulate with Unrelenting oratories. 
Linda and I will Ubiquity be there

Undoubtedly the DUes will help usher in the Uletide season as the U wines are unveiled! We understand this will be a unique, unforgettable, unparalleled undertaking and look forward to seeing the usual suspects.
Dee Dee and Charlie

Ultimately it will not be a united McDonald family. Unequivocally, Andy and 
Elizabeth will attending with unfettered exuberance.  Universal and unearthly good times are anticipated.
Uniquely yours, Elizabeth 

Uncertainty of the Mealeys should be Unwavering.  Karen and Bob (the Usual suspects) will be Ushered to the Upper Class event.  I think we have been Unmistakably spelling Uletide Uniquely.  Unquestionably “Yuletide” is the Ultimate way to spell it, but that will be another Wine Night.
Unequivocally Yours. Bob

Untimely Unresponsiveness Ultimately avoided.  Our Utinam to continue our Undying Usance of Uletide celebration is Unstoppable.

Wine #1: Undurraga T.H. (Terroir Hunter) Sauvignon Blanc Leyda 2011 $23.99
Tasting comments:
Mike “Oh, we’re going with a white?”
Jess “U is a stupid letter. Hard to find.”
Mike “Crisp taste.
Elizabeth, Linda, Dee Dee “Crisp”
Linda “Tasty”
Becky “Unusually light for a red wine”
Wayne “Ultimately Chardonnay”
Bob “Is this made from white grapes?”
Andy “Lacking in Black Currant”
Elizabeth “I don’t think it tastes like chardonnay. I think it’s a Pinot Grigio.”
Bob “I think so too”
Becky “Very refreshing after a hard day of shopping”

Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth 6.5, Wayne 6, Linda 5, Charlie 6, Dee Dee 6,  Jessica 8, Sean 5, Robert 7, Bryan 7

Wine #2:  2 Up 2013 Shiraz South Australia $11.99
Tasting comments:
Karen “Oh, there’s the color!”
Mike “This one is darker than the last one”
Andy “Did it go bad?”

Bob “Did it spoil?”
Mike “A bold smell. I like it.”
Elizabeth “An Ubiquitous smell”
Andy “Complex, yet compelling. Sort of like my bride.”
Robert “It’s better after it breaths for a bit.”
Wayne “A lot of tannin”
Dee Dee “A spice smell”
Bob “It has a bite to it”
Karen “I don’t think so”
Bob “I’m getting bit…oh, it’s you!”
Linda “Nice legs”
Andy “Are you talking about the wine?”
Linda “I also think it’s getting better as it airs”
Elizabeth. “Like most wines. The more you drink, the better it tastes.”
Wayne “I enjoyed it”
Karen “Good finish”
Sean “The artichoke changes the flavor”
Charlie “Initially it’s harsh. Then it mellows out. As Linda was saying.”
Bryan “It tastes like Andy would say – it has Black Currants”

Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth 7, Wayne 7, Linda 7, Charlie 7, Dee Dee 6.5,  Jessica 7, Sean 6, Robert 7.5, Bryan 6

Wine #3:  Ugarte Crianza 2010 Rioja Laguardia, Espana $10.99
Tasting comments:
Bob “This one smells good”
Wayne “A wonderful taste”
Bob “Holy crap I like this! This is a U?!? This is Unbelievable.”
Jess “There are only 3 ‘U’ wines in all of Avon”
Dee Dee “A little bit of a spice finish”
Elizabeth “The Ultimate wine of the night”
Andy “It’s dry”
Elizabeth “Uber dry?”
Bob “Quick taste up front, but ends fast”
Wayne “A short finish”
Elizabeth “It doesn’t linger”
Wayne “Well balanced and velvety smooth”
Sean “Hey Becky….It’s Good!”
Elizabeth “Unusual eloquence for Sean”
Dee Dee “I thoroughly enjoyed it”

Bob 8.5, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 7.5, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 7.5, Wayne 8, Linda 8, Charlie 7, Dee Dee 8,  Jessica 7.5, Sean 8, Robert 8, Bryan 7