Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

'F' is for Fine wines from France, Portugal and Spain

Thursday December 15, 2011
‘F’ at Bob and Karen’s
We had 3 guest tasters this evening: Kara from St. Francis, Claire from South Africa, and Carissa from New Zealand. Carissa gave up after the first 2 wines. She is still developing her palate.

  1. A Fuga – Ribeira Sacra Denominacion de Orixe Spain $15.99
    Karen: “Doesn’t smell bad. Fruity.”
    Claire: “I like it. It’s not dry. Delicious.”
    Bob: “Sparkly.”
    Mike: “A Christmas sparkle.”
    Becky: “Like a fruit punch.”
    Karen: “It’s almost fizzy. Not what I was expecting.”
    Kara: “Fruity. I don’t like the smell. Not dry.”
    Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 7, Becky 6, Kara 2, Claire 7

  2. Chateau de Flaugergues 2007 France $21.99
    Claire: “This one is darker.”
    Karen: “Not a lot of smell.”
    Bob: “Mild smell.”
    Claire: “It smells like something I’m not going to like.”
    Bob: “Nice!”
    Mike: “Drier.”
    Claire: “Yeah. That’s the problem.”
    Mike: “Karen will rank this one higher.”
    Becky: “This tastes more like wine, not ‘punchy’ like the lst one”
    Bob 7, Karen 6.5, Mike 6.5, Becky 6, Kara 7, Claire 4.5, Carissa 1

    ****Christmas Music was playing in the background…Kara held a note for LONG time…much to everyone’s distress******

  3. Herdade Fonte Paredes – Cabernet Sauvignon Aragoñes 2005 Portugal $17.99 Bob: “Lively”
    Karen: “Smells bad”
    Mike: “Mellow”
    Kara: “What is that smell? Garbage?”
    Claire: “It burns your nose if you inhale a lot. And, it tastes like it smells!”
    Mike: “It tastes BETTER than it smells.”
    Bob: It has a good flavor, though.”
    Kara: “I don’t like the smell, but I like the taste.
    Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 6.5, Becky 6.5, Kara 6, Claire 4

  4. Chateau La Fleur Haut Carras 20098 Red Bourdeaux France $35.99
    Mike: “A Karen wine”
    Karen: “This is AWESOME!”
    Claire: “I think if I had had this one first I wouldn’t like it. But I Like it!”
    Kara: “It’s like bread in the oven.”
    Karen: “Oh my gosh, this is SO much mine!”
    Claire: “This isn’t dry is it? I like it!” Note: Claire does not typically like dry wines
    Bob to Claire: “Do you have any idea what your taste buds are?!?”
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7, Kara 8, Claire 6.5

'E' is for some Excellent Spanish wines!

Thursday December 8, 2011
‘E’ with Becky and Mike
Note: While at BigY Becky ran into Cindy, who gave her a delicious Kielbasa recipe to serve. Thanks Cindy!

  1. Erudito 2009 Rioja Spain $9.99
    Karen: “Peppery.”
    Becky: “The way I like it.”
    Bob: “I like this one.”
    Jess: “The kick comes at the end.”
    Mike couldn’t taste much because of his prior night work event.
    Bob 8, Karen 7.5, Mike 8, Becky 8, Jess 7.5

  2. Ergo – Tempranillo. Rioja 2009 Spain $11.99
    Karen: “Smells better than the first one. Oooh. The first taste was a surprise.”
    Bob: “Damn. I forgot to taste the wine after the pepperjack cheese…the cheese mellowed the taste of the wine.”
    Becky: “Good after wheat thins and pretzels.”
    Bob: “Good God man! Mike what were you thinking, drinking the night before. You need to prepare.”
    Karen: “I like it best after the pretzel. The wheat things had a sweet taste.”
    Karen: “This is drier. That’s why I like it.”
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 7

  3. Evodia 2010 Altovinum Spain $11.99
    Bob: “Not the best smell.”
    Becky: “What is that smell? Like a cleaner.”
    Bob: “Windex.”
    Mike: “Ewww.”
    Jess: “I think it’s not what dad says.”
    Bob: “Not so much.”
    Jess: “I don’t think it’s so bad.”
    Karen: “I’m not drinking it. I don’t want it.” (poured hers into Bob’s glass)
    Jess: “It’s worse after pretzels.”
    Becky: “I don’t like it.” (poured hers into Bob’s glass)
    NOTE: This wine was highly recommended at the Wine Store
    Bob 3, Karen 1, Mike 3, Becky 2, Jess 4.5

'D' Night - Spain and France this week!

Thursday December 1, 2011
‘D’ hosted by Karen and Bob

Note: Beef stew was on the menu. Yum!

  1. Dehesa La Granja – Alejandro Fernandez 2004 Spain $19.99
    Bob: “Fresh smell. Fruity.”
    Mike: “It is a fruit.”
    Karen: “It’s like raspberries.”
    Mike: “Something along that line. Not raspberry.”
    Becky: “There’s a little tartness to it.”
    Karen: “It gets better with every sip.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 6*, Becky 6 *may change

  2. Chateau D’Avensan Haut-Médoc 2005 France $12.99
    Karen: “This one doesn’t have much smell.”
    Mike: “Mellow. Easy to drink.”
    Becky: “An iron aftertaste.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 5.5

  3. Georges Deboeuf. Mogon – Red Burgundy Wine – France 2009 $15.99
    Bob: “Ewww.”
    Mike: “Balsamic Vinagrette.”
    Bob: “I agree with Mike. Make it a double. Dusty. Dry. Tastes awful. This isn’t a good face – Do you see it?”
    Becky almost spit her wine out looking at Bob’s face.
    Becky: “Very dry. A Karen wine.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 5.5

  4. Ribera del Duero 2004 Viña Mayor Reserva Product of Spain $23.99
    Bob: “Hmm. Mild.”
    Mike: “Milder than the last one.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 6

'C' if you Recognize any of these European Wines!

Thursday November 17, 2011
‘C’ at Mike & Becky’s

  1. Carchelo Spain 12.99
    Bob: “Fresh smell. Whoah! People are going to like it and hate it.”
    Mike: “Yeast smell.”
    Jess: “Dry.”
    Bob: “Feels like sake. More alcohol-y, more booze. Karen will say…oooh, then follow up with yum.”
    Karen: “I don’t smell yeast. Faint. Not real strong. Sweet. I don’t like it. Too sweet.”
    Becky: “It doesn’t taste sweet to me.”
    Karen: “Tastes better with cheese. Was sweet with carrots.”
    Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 6, Jess 6

  2. Domaine di Courteillac 2008 $14.99
    Bob: “A faint smell. It’s there.”
    Jess: “Subtle.”
    Karen: “It’s drier than the first one.”
    Becky: “It has a metal taste.”
    Mike: “Oh, that’s dry!”
    Karen: “I wish it had more aroma. It has a nice color.”
    Bob 5.5, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Jess 6.5

  3. Les Chien-Chiens Chinon Domaine de la Noblaie 2006 France $17.49
    Becky: “I can smell this one.”
    Karen: “Yes. It has a good smell.”
    Becky: “I think this is the driest so far.”
    Karen: “I agree. And, it has a really nice aroma.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 6.5, Jess 6.5

  4. Cortijo 2009 Rioja Product of Spain $9.49
    Karen: “Smells like fish.”
    Becky: “I don’t like this one.”
    Bob: “Das boot. Das is enough.”
    Bob 4.5, Karen 4, Mike 4.5, Becky 4, Jess 5.5

European Wines - "B" letter night!

Thursday November 10, 2011
‘B’ Hosted by Bob & Karen

  1. Bernoia Rioja – Product of Spain Gran Reserva 2001 $29.99
    Bob: “Smells fresh. Smells better than it tastes.”
    Karen: “Smells good”
    Mike: It’s not bitey.”
    Karen: “It is later.”
    Becky: “More flavor after swiss”
    Mike: “Does not go with sausage.”
    Karen: “Fills your mouth full after Swiss.”
    Becky: “A little spicy.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6

  2. Chateau Rollan de By – Cru Bourgeois Médoc 2008 $29.99
    Becky: “Tastes like iron. Blood.”
    Karen: “I don’t like the smell. Dry.”
    Mike: “The smell is not that good.”
    Bob: “Not a good smell, but tastes okay.”
    Karen: “Smells like blood.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6

  3. Domaine Jean Bousquet Malbec Reserva 2008 Tupungato Valley $17.99
    Mike: “Very dark. Lines aren’t as good. Strong.”
    Karen: “Doesn’t smell as bad as the last one.”
    Bob: “Smells like cleaner. Comet. I have debris in my glass!”
    Becky: “It has an odd taste.”
    Karen: “Licorice. Different than any wine we’ve ever had.”
    Mike: “A fruit taste at the end.”Bob: “Bitter. No. My ears don’t hurt. Oh, that’s sour. It is bitter.”
    Karen: “Has that velvety feel.”
    Becky: “It’s a bit dry.”
    Mike: “It’s not that dry. I like it.”
    Karen: “I’m sorry. I really like it.”
    Bob: “Don’t apologize for your crappy taste.”
    Becky: “It’s growing on me. Velvet. Vanilla.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 6.5