Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

'B' is for a Beautiful Bountiful Bouquet

Blind Wine Tasting hosted by Becky & Mike
“B” Night

Wine #1: Blackstone Merlot B Reserve 2010 Sonoma $15.99
Tasting comments:
Bob “This smells good” (said in his low bass voice)
Mike “Nice dark color”
Elizabeth “It has a rich smell to it”
Bob “A beautiful bountiful bouquet”
Karen “A great bouquet”
Becky “Grape bouquet”

Karen “Great”
Karen “It was better before the food”
Jessica “It’s good by itself”
Becky “Tastes tart to me. Maybe because of the food?”
Mike “It’s a ‘by itself’ wine. Not a dinner wine.”
Karen “Nice legs though”
Bob “It still has a great smell”

Bob 6.5, Karen 7.5, Mike 6, Becky 6, Andy 7, Elizabeth 6, Jessica 7

Wine #2:  Bogle Petite Sirah 2011  $11.99
Tasting comments:
Currants. Grapes. Coffee. Dirt.
Elizabeth “I just took a sip and I like this one better than the first one”
Becky “A lot smoother”
Andy “More to it. More complex.”
Jessica “Smoother than the first one”
Karen “Full taste. Nice start. Dry finish.”
Mike “I’m blushing”
Bob “It’s because your beautiful”
Elizabeth “A wine in bloom”
Andy “Berry good”

Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 7.5, Jessica 8

Wine #3:  Blackstone Pinot Noir 2011 $8.99
Tasting comments:
Bob “It sucks”

Jessica “Hold back Bob!”
Bob “I’ve tasted better”
Mike “It’s not a vinegar smell…but…”
Karen “Smells like the second one. No…it doesn’t”
Andy “This is not good. It’s really bad.”
Bob “It blows”
Elizabeth “I’m going to have to pour mine into Mike’s glass”
Becky “It smells like toilet cleaner”
EVERYONE poured their wine into Mike’s glass

Bob 4, Karen 2, Mike 4, Becky 4, Andy 4, Elizabeth 4, Jessica 4

Friday, November 1, 2013

Back to the Alphabet!! A is for AWESOME

Blind Wine Tasting hosted by Bob & Karen
Back to the Alphabet!!
The new alphabet rules are:
  1. Back to the “Alphabet”
  2. Pick 3 Red wines for tasting
  3. The 3 have to be different vintages (i.e. Merlot, Shiraz, etc)
  5. One “extra” wine of choice – we will not rate this wine. It can be any kind of wine and does NOT have to start with the alphabet of the week
Bob & the Wine Journal
Wine #1: Atalon – Napa Valley – Pauline’s Cuvee 2010  $27.99
Tasting comments:
Karen/Bob “Smells good”
Karen “Smells Awesome!”
Elizabeth “A nice smooth flavor”
Mike “Smells like velvet”
Becky “Has a little spice at the end. I feel it on my lips.”
Karen “Really warm. I like that”
Mike “I like it with the tomato basil cheese”
Tomato Basil Cheese
Kara “Good. Nothing bad. Nothing special.”
Elizabeth “I liked it better by itself”
Andy “It’s a good wine if you’re just drinking and not eating”
Jessica “A hint of dryness at the end”

Bob 6.5, Karen 7.5, Mike 6.5, Becky 7.5, Andy 6.5, Elizabeth 7, Jessica 7.5, Kara 7

Wine #2:  Acrobat 2010 Oregon Pinot Noir $18.99
Tasting comments:
Elizabeth “Looks like a Pinot Noir”
Becky “Has a lighter color”
Cheddar and Honey. Yum!
Bob “I think the church used this on Communion Sunday”
Becky “Tastes thin”
Jessica “That’s an apt description”
Elizabeth “A little acid aftertaste. A little bitter.”
Kara “Yes. Bitter.”
Mike “Better with the cheese”
Karen “Good with the meat”
Elizabeth “Better with the cheddar”
Andy “Good with the salami and the cheese. The other one you wanted to drink alone in the kitchen.”

Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 5, Andy 6, Elizabeth 5, Jessica 5, Kara 5

Wine #3:  Villa Antinori Toscana 2009 $20.99
Tasting comments:
Becky “Darker. Looks better.”
Nuts are always good
Bob “We’re back in the ranking!”
Karen “Smells nice”
Elizabeth “Rich aroma. Dark cherry. Chocolate.”
Andy “Currants”
Bob “Black or red currants?”
Elizabeth “I’m getting tobacco. Smoky tobacco.”
Mike “Dry”


Bob 7.5, Karen 8, Mike 7.5, Becky 8, Andy 8, Elizabeth 8, Jessica 8, Kara 7.5

Three Empty Bottles!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ooo La La....Three Red Wines from France

Blind Wine Tasting hosted by Elizabeth and Andy

Featuring 3 wines from France
Wine #1: Cotes du Rhone – E. Guigal – Red Wine - France

Tasting comments:
Karen “Smells good”
Bob “Really good with the Pate”
Becky “It is good with the Pate. It was a little “tinny” by itself. Really good with the pepperoni, too.”
Karen “It has a very earthy smell. That’s why I like it.”
Jessica “My fave food with it is the Duck Pate.”
Andy “Is this pepperoni? It’s very good with the wine.”
Elizabeth “I loved it with the duck pate. Earthy but a little light. But it has substance.
Karen “I like it by itself. It has a nice, dry, peppery finish.”
Mike “Medium. A little spice at the end.”
Andy “Good. Balanced. But it doesn’t knock me out.”
Bob “Apparently it’s a table wine” due to the fact that Elizabeth spilled the bottle on the tablecloth.

Bob “The socks are slippery. We need socks with grips.”

Bob 7.5, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth 7.5, Jessica 7


Wine #2:  Chateauneuf-du-Pape 2011 Grande Reserver
Tasting comments:
Karen “Black cherry”
Bob “It could be currants. Andy?”
Andy “It could be currants. Syrupy”
Elizabeth “A full mouth wine”
Karen “I really like it because it’s full with a dry finish”
Becky “Fruity”
Jessica “I don’t like the taste at the end. Bitey. Dry on my tongue.”
Andy “Thick. Syrupy.”
Mike “It’s not dry”
Elizabeth “Deep cherry flavor with a dry finish”
Jessica “Not as bitey with the cheddar”
Karen “A lot of black cherry in the front”

Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 6.5, Becky 7, Andy 6.5, Elizabeth 7, Jessica 7


Wine #3:  Crozes-Hermitage 2008 – Les trios Chenes – Emmanuel Darnaud
Tasting comments:
Jessica “This smells really good!”
Bob “It smells like the last one”

Becky “Smells earthier than the last one”
Elizabeth “Pretty smooth”
Andy “Smooth and less syrupy”
Mike “Still black currant”
Becky “Has a dry finish”
Jessica “But not as dry as the last one”
Becky “Has a tart element to it”

Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 6.5, Becky 7, Andy 6.5, Elizabeth 6.5, Jessica 6.5


After the tasting tonight we made “new” rules for the next tastings. The rules are: 
  1. Back to the “Alphabet”
  2. Pick 3 Red wines for tasting
  3. The 3 have to be different vintages (i.e. Merlot, Shiraz, etc)
  5. One “extra” wine of choice – we will not rate this wine. It can be any kind of wine and does NOT have to start with the alphabet of the week



Saturday, September 21, 2013

Alexander Valley Wines - Delicious!

Blind Wine Tasting hosted by Mike and Becky

Featuring 4 wines from the Alexander Valley region of California, plus 3 Bonus Wines (Look for the fun quotes!)
Guess what we're drinking tonight?

Wine #1: 90+ Cellars Alexander Valley Reserve –2010 Cabernet Suvingnon Lot 74

Tasting comments:
Wayne “I’m guessing Northern Hemisphere”
Sue “A smooth bleu cheese with the wine”
Bob “The wine is actually…pretty great. A little bite that goes away.”
Robert “It doesn’t overstay its welcome”
Andy “Light with a bite”
Becky “It does have a dry element to it”
Linda “The food takes the bite away”
Kara “I like it best after the bleu cheese”
Karen “It’s not dry enough and it’s sweet”
Wayne “A medium bodied wine with a spicy note”
Jess “No after taste. Kind of just there. Not memorable. Drinkable.”

Bob 7, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 7, Andy 7, Elizabeth 6, Wayne 7, Linda 7, Jessica 6, Robert 6.5, Kara 6.5, Jason 4, Sue 6

Wine #2:  2009 Stuhlmuller Vineyards Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
Tasting comments:
Everyone (except for Jason) said “Smells good. Like this one better than the first one.”
Jason’s score plummeted to a 2. ***Note*** Jason does not like red wine.
Karen “Bold taste from beginning to end”
Wayne “Full mouth of wine with a long finish”

Linda “Really smooth. Even flavor.”
Jess “I like the dry finish”
Becky “Very smooth. Dry finish.”

Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 7.5, Wayne 8, Linda 8, Jessica 7.5, Robert 7.5, Kara 8, Jason 2, Sue 8

Wine #3:  Simi – Landslide Vineyards 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon

Tasting comments:
Karen “I taste smoking”
Wayne “Tobacco. Peppery.”
Bob “Smells dusty”
Mike “A different taste at the end”
Karen “Not as full”
Bleu Cheese
Mike “It has good legs”
Elizabeth “Has a bite at the end. Pass the bleu cheese.”
Andy “Like macaroni art. Accessible but fun.”
Jess “He did not stoop to macaroni. That is bean art.”
**Note** Jessica is referencing Mike’s “bean art” landscape that hangs proudly on the wall
Wayne “I actually enjoyed this wine. Mike, you picked out some good ones.”
Mike “I like this one”

Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 8.5, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth 5.5, Wayne 7, Linda 6, Jessica 8, Robert 7, Kara 6.5, Jason 2, Sue 7

Wine #4:  Alexander Valley Vineyards – Sonoma County 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon

Tasting comments:
Jason made a “not bad” face. “Better than I thought. I was surprised! Sweeter. Not bitter. Tastes like it doesn’t have things in it that don’t belong”
Karen “You can analyze as much as you want. It isn’t getting any better.”
Wayne “If we had had this wine before the others we would have ranked it higher.”

TANKS vs HUMVEES. It has no chance.

Robert “That is the danger of wine night”
Jess “It ‘s much like a box of chocolate….”
Everyone “You never know what you’re going to get”
Wayne “This would be good with a pork roast because it wouldn’t over power it”

Robert “Drinkable”
The Four Alexander Valley Wines
Andy “Unrefined. Somewhat harsh.”
Linda “Bland”
Wayne “Pedestrian”
Bob “The flavor is vague”
Becky “Sour”
Kara “That’s what I said! Sour.”

Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 6.5, Becky 6, Andy 6.5, Elizabeth 6, Wayne 6.5, Linda 6, Jessica 6, Robert 6, Kara 6, Jason 5, Sue 5

BONUS WINES:  Wayne insisted that we continue to log our tasting notes
Hidden by Wayne's socks

Bonus Wine #1:  Colle Carpito Toscana San Luciano 2009 

Tasting comments:
Sue “Smells like ground”
Bob “That’s a good one”
Karen “I’ve been sitting here swirling it and it’s good now. I did not like it at first.”
Sue “Does not improve”
Linda “A funny after taste”
Sue “Vinegar-y”
Mike “A sour taste”
Bob “It started off good, but not as good now”
Robert “Third taste. Sharp. I like it.”
Karen “Tart.”
Jess “In the middle…nothing…tart..nothing”
Karen “I don’t like it when I’m drinking it, but I like the finish…when it’s out of my mouth”
Bob to Andy “It puts hair on your chest”
Andy “I have my chest toupe on”

Bob 6.5, Karen 5, Mike 6, Becky 6, Andy 6.5, Elizabeth 6, Wayne 6.5, Linda 5, Jessica 6, Robert 6, Kara 5.5, Jason 3, Sue 4.5

Bonus Wine #2:  Mencia Roble – Alvarez de Toledo  2009 
Tasting comments:
There were 13 tasters tonight!
Becky “This is really dry”
Karen “This is better than the last one”
Wayne “Floral”
Karen “Floral. A nice dry finish.”
Bob “Even Jason likes it”
Robert “Tastes like fermented grapes. I haven’t made that joke since the last time I was here.”
Karen “Can we please rank this wine? I need another glass.”
Sean “This is pretty good.”

Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 6, Andy 6.5, Elizabeth 6.5, Wayne 6, Linda 6, Jessica 6.5, Robert 6.5, Kara 6, Jason 4, Sue 5.5

 Bonus Wine #3:  Leese-Fitch Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 
Tasting comments:
Wayne “This wine came highly recommended”
Karen gave her wine to Bob….not a fan

Bob 7, Karen 2, Mike 6, Becky 6, Andy 7, Elizabeth 6.5, Wayne 7, Linda 6, Jessica 6, Robert 7, Kara 6, Jason 4, Sue 3
Bonus Wines Revealed

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Terraces at Quarry Vineyards

Blind Wine Tasting hosted by Karen and Bob

Featuring 3 delicious wines from The Terraces at Quarry Vineyards. This wine was recommended by Tony at Super Cellar in Avon, and he didn’t steer us wrong!

Wine #1: The Terraces 2010 Petite Sirah Napa Valley
Tasting comments:
Karen “Mmmmm! Smells good.”
Bob “Smells really good”
Becky “It tastes really good too”
Elizabeth “Fruity”
Wayne “Pairs well with the salty food. Spicy.”
Becky “That’s the word I was looking for. It was biting my mouth.”
Karen “A spicy finish”
Linda “I like it”
Karen “Look at the color. It’s beautiful.”
Jess “You really get the full flavor when you let the wine linger in your mouth”
Kara “I like the spicy finish”
Wayne “I’m guessing this is a Cabernet Franc”

Bob 8, Karen 8.5, Mike 8, Becky 8, Andy 8.5, Elizabeth 8, Wayne 8, Linda 8.5, Jessica 8.5, Bryan 8, Brian 7, Kara 8

Wine #2:  The Terraces 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley
Tasting comments:
Wayne “This is a full-bodied wine. I’m guessing it’s a Merlot”
Elizabeth “Not as spicy as the last one.”

Mike “Blackberry”
Elizabeth “I say black cherry”
Andy “I say currants. Substantial.”
Karen “Smells more earthy”
Becky “I agree”
Wayne “A hint of cloves”
Becky “Definitely fruitier”
Kara “Good taste but I wish it had more dry”
Jess “The fruitiness over powered the dry”

Bryan “It gets better as you drink it”

Bob 7.5, Karen 8, Mike 6.5, Becky 8, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 8.5, Wayne 8, Linda 7.5, Jessica 8, Bryan 7.5, Brian 8, Kara 6.5

Wine #3:  The Terraces 2010 Zinfandel Napa Valley
Tasting comments:
Bryan “Smells like Jerk sauce”
Andy “Really good. In between the other two.”
Bryan “Doesn’t taste like Jerk Sauce”
Elizabeth “Smoother”
Karen “No finish”
Bob “Mine has cork in it. Who opened this bottle?!?”
Andy “I’m sticking with currants”
Wayne “Coffee. Unfiltered. Or very poorly filtered.”
Karen “An ‘alcohol-y’ taste. Or maybe because of the peach I just ate. Like a shot of vodka.”
Kara “You would love that!”
Karen “I did!”
Wayne “I’m guessing a Zin”

Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 6.5, Becky 7, Andy 8, Elizabeth 6.5, Wayne 6.5, Linda 7, Jessica 7, Bryan 7, Brian 7.5, Kara 6.5

As you can see in the photos below, we also tasted a few more wines. No “tasting” notes are available as the scribe needed a break!