Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wild Horses (wine) couldn't keep us away! Another fun wine night!

Friday May 24, 2013 hosted by Becky & Mike

Wine #1: Forefront Pinot Gris 2011
First taste comments:
Bob & Karen simultaneously “Pear!”
Elizabeth “Citrus-y”
Andy “Grapefruit”
Becky “Yes!”
Wayne “An apple finish”
Elizabeth “I taste lemon”

Bob “Makes me feel like Tonto”
Mike “Refreshing”
Bob “I like it”
Elizabeth “Crisp”
Jess “Yes. Crisp.”
Becky “Tart”
Sean “Not bad”
Winemaker notes:A bright bouquet of honeyed pear, dried white flowers and clean wet stone spring from the glass of our 2011 Pinot Gris. On the palate, bright flavors of crystallized lemon, ripe golden apple and honeydew melon abound, enhanced by a subtle hint of jasmine and quince. Finishing crisply with clean minerality and lemon zest, this wine would be a delight when paired with fresh oysters or a triple-cream Brie and baguette.
Food #1 – Pretzels with Honey Mustard Dip
Becky “Good with the food!”
Jess “Takes the tart out”
Bob “Better”
Elizabeth “Smoothes it. Takes the acid out.”
Sean “Tastes better with the mustard.”

Food #2 – Chicken Salad with Red Onion and Dried Cranberries on Toasted French Rounds

Kara “I like this food, but I like the wine with the mustard better”
Jess “Brings the tart back”
Bob “Bob-tart”
Becky “Gives the wine more taste”
Brian “The chicken was underwhelming with the wine. Not strong enough”
Bob “It’s better to be unsatisfactory than nonperforming”

Wine alone: Andy, Wayne (Wayne “Because the wine wouldn’t taste good with anything”)
With Food #1: Brian, Mike, Bob, Kara, Karen, Elizabeth, Bryan, Sean, Becky, Jess
With Food #2: No votes

Wine #2:  Wild Horse Merlot 2010
First taste comments:
Sean “Bland”
Becky “Has a dry finish”
Elizabeth “A little dry. Tastes like Plum.”
Karen “Smells good.”
Wayne “Cloves”
Elizabeth “Cherry”
Andy “I’ll say black Currant because every red seems to have it”
Wayne “Big tannin finish”
Sean “I could get drunk off this. Easy to drink. Can drink it like water.”
Winemaker notes:
Our 2010 Central Coast Merlot has aromas of fresh red fruit, cedar, hints of rose petal, and blackberry cobbler followed by a plush and extremely balanced finish. Pair this yummy wine with gnocchi dumplings with marinara sauce or mini filet mignon kabobs.

Food #1 – Provolone & Spicy Brown Mustard on French Round

Andy “Good combination of flavors”
Elizabeth “Takes away the acidic flavor”
Karen “Dry now. No tart.”

Food #2 – Filet Mignon Kabobs
Wayne “I like the wine with the meat”
Bob “Meat with tomato, then wine. Very good!”
Bryan “Really good with the mushrooms”
Wayne “The Wine complemented the kabob”

Wine alone: Sean (ditto Wayne’s quote regarding Wine #1)
With Food #1: Bob, Brian
With Food #2: Karen, Mike, Becky, Andy, Elizabeth, Jess, Kara, Bryan, Wayne

Wine #3:  Wild Horse Pinot Noir

First taste comments:
Becky “Look at how dark it is!”
Elizabeth “Has a nice aroma”
Bob “Tastes like last week’s Midnight”
Bryan “Really sweet.”
Jess “It is sweet!”
Kara “I don’t like it”
Wayne “The sweetest Pinot Noir I have ever tasted”
Sean “Tastes like a combination of Kool-Aid and Wine”
Wayne “A warm sangria”
Becky “After it sits in your mouth there is a smoky flavor”
Andy, Jess “Yes!”
Winemaker notes:
Our 2011 Pinot Noir has beautiful aromas and flavors of black cherry, pomegranate, and cranberries. This wine has bold aromas of raspberry and cherry that transcend into the mouth with a lush, delicious finish.

Food #1 – Swiss Fontina Cheese

Becky “Takes the sweet out”
Kara, Wayne “Good Cheese”
Jess “Does take the sweet out!”
Bryan “It’s nice that it does”
Sean “Neutralizes the Kool-Aid”
Andy “The cheese goes well with the wine. Restrained. Subtle”
Elizabeth “The cheese enhances the wine”
Sean “The cheese saves the wine”

Food #2 – Vanilla Honey Graham Cookie with Honey Goat Cheese and Fig
Elizabeth “I don’t know how it will taste with the wine, but this is amazing!”
Karen “Makes the wine awesome!”
Kara “I don’t know if I want to drink the wine this is so good”
Wayne “Makes the wine outstanding”
Becky “Makes the wine dry”
Andy “Great with the wine”
Jess “Really changed the taste!”

Wine alone: no one
With Food #1: Sean
With Food #2: Everyone else

After we finished with the Pairings we enjoyed a little more wine.....thanks mostly to Wayne! My favorite of these was the Four Vines Zinfandel - an affordable and tasty wine.

And Jessica just had to see how good salami and wine went together.....

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wines from the Connecticut Valley Winery paired with some AWESOME Food!

Friday May 16, 2013 hosted by Karen & Bob

Wine #1:  CT Valley Winery - Chardonel
First taste comments:
Elizabeth “Oh! That’s sweet!”
Bob “It is sweet, isn’t it?”
Karen “It’s one of the chardonnays that I like.”
Bob “Does anyone like it?”
Jessica “It has a ‘poke in the mount’ finish.”
Bryan “It’s for when it’s really hot out.”
Andy “Sweet, with another flavor I can’t put my finger on.”
Bryan “Pear”
Becky “Yes!”
Kara “I don’t really like it. The sweet shocked me.”
Elizabeth “A little grapefruit at the end.”
Becky “It’s a dried out Florida grapefruit.”
Winemaker notes:A white hybrid grape with characteristics of Chardonnay and Seyval produce this smooth and refreshing white wine. It is a lovely, crisp, refreshing white wine – one of my favorites across the Connecticut wine trail. It’s a perfect wine to relax with at the end of the day.
Food #1 – Goat Cheese that went through the Brie process
Elizabeth “The goat cheese mellows the sweetness”
Kara “Makes it watery”
Becky “I like it with the wine. Takes a little of the sweetness out.”
Elizabeth “Smoothes it”

Food #2 – Crab Dip with Homemade Old Bay Seasoning
Kara “The crab dip is delicious, but it doesn’t do anything for the wine”
Andy “Brings out a different flavor. Sharper.”
Bob “I think so too”
Elizabeth “The crab brings back the sweet”
Becky “Too sweet with the crab”
Elizabeth “This is my wine at “beer circle’ at the beach!”
Wine alone:
With Food #1: Unanimous!! Bob, Karen, Mike, Becky, Andy, Elizabeth, Jessica, Bryan
With Food #2:

Wine #2:  CT Valley Winery – Midnight – Frontenac grape
First taste comments:
Elizabeth “I like this wine!”
Andy “Peppery smell”
Karen “A vanilla finish”
Elizabeth “Smooth”
Bob “It has an…..almost chocolate taste”
Elizabeth “Currant or cherry”
Bob “Cherry. What is that smell? Dirty feet?”
Jessica “They have to crush the grapes somehow!”
Mike “Not that good. IT won’t make my top 50”
Becky “Definitely vanilla”

Winemaker notes:
Deep, dark and mysterious, a tangy, red table wine made from Frontenac hybrid grapes. *Big E Gold wine competition.
Food #1 – Aged Smoked Gouda
Elizabeth “Interesting. I love the cheese. I like the wine. I’m not sure I like it together.”
Bob “I’m the opposite. I like the cheese. I like the wine. It’s better together.”
Bryan “The wine is more mellow”
Mike “Makes it better”
Becky “Really good with the cheese. Elizabeth, keep the cheese in your mouth when you drink.”
Elizabeth “It does taste good when it’s in your mouth!”
Becky “It brings out the Midnight flavor”

Food #2 – Taco Nachos with Sue’s Taco Seasoning
Bob “Totally knocks it down – a very smooth non-newness”
Bryan “Nice & spicy jalapenos! I can barely taste the wine now”
Jessica “I couldn’t taste the wine over the jalapenos”

Wine alone: Andy, Kara, Elizabeth, Karen
With Food #1: Bryan, Jessica, Becky
With Food #2: Bob, Mike (Mike “Because it overwhelmed the wine and I couldn’t taste it”)

Wine #3:  CT Valley Winery – Black Tie – Cabernet Franc
First taste comments:
Bryan “I can’t really smell anything”
Bob “The first one (tonight) that smells like real wine”
Kara “It’s almost like it has carbonation in it. Sparkly.”
Elizabeth “Spicy”
Karen “Smells earthy”
Mike “Has a bite.”
Bob “Tonight was meant to be different. We’ve been all over the word but didn’t do local.”
Andy “Deep. Fruity. Dark deep fruit. More complex.”
Becky “There’s a taste…..”
Karen “Pepper”
Becky “Yes!”
Winemaker notes:
An elegant and sophisticated red table wine, robust with a dry, silky finish. Each time I taste the wine, I find myself more and more intrigued, and after the third tasting have added it to my list of favorite Connecticut Cabernet Francs. * Big E Gold wine competition. Grand Harvest Awards. Finger Lakes International Wine Competition.

Food #1 – Cabot aged cheddar
Becky “I don’t like the cheese with the wine”
Bryan “Takes away half of the flavor”
Kara “I agree”

Food #2 – Lamb & Feta Cheese Meatballs (**You can’t be at Karen’s house & not have lamb for wine night!**)
Bob “Everybody gets 2 balls”
Becky “This wine is good with the lamb balls. Very smooth.”
Bob “I’m leaning towards the balls with the wine.”
Karen ‘It gives it a fuller taste”
Kara “It has more flavor with the lamb”
Jessica “Yes”

Wine alone: Bryan, Karen, Jessica, Andy
With Food #1: n/a
With Food #2: Becky, Kara, Bob, Elizabeth, Mike

NOTE: This wine tastes really good with Jessica’s chocolate dessert

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Friday Night Wine and Food pairing - We were in Heaven!

Friday May 10, 2013 hosted by Andy and Elizabeth

Wine #1:  La Cala 2011 Vermentino di Sardegna, Italy, Sardinia – Sella & Mosca est 1899
First taste comments:
Tobias “Oh, that’s quite good. I’m quite a fan of white wines. It’s spicier than I expected.”
Bob “What’s that smell? Pear?”
Bryan “Hair”
Bob “He’s all excited about hair now that he has some.”
Robert “A little bitter”
Jessica “Tart”
Robert “Definitely tart”
Stephen “Bartlett Pear”
Becky “I taste a little apple”
Karen “I’m saying grapefruit. That’s what I smell, that’s what I taste”
Tobias “Second on the grapefruit”
Winemaker notes:Pale straw with tints of lemon- green. Very intense with notes of citrus. Delightful, floral. Crisp and dry with youthful vitality and freshness. Vermentino wines are a versatile match for a wide array of appetizers and entrees, especially shellfish and seafood dishes.

Food #1 – Mozarella with Basil & Sundried Tomato on French Bread, Toasted
Jessica “More refreshing. More tart.”
Tobias “More tart”
Lauren “Not as sweet with this”
Bob “Calms it down”
Bryan “More acidic”
Becky “Smoother to me”
Elizabeth “Better with this”

Food #2 – Baked Shrimp w/Garlic Bread & Gluten Free Panko Bread
Sean “I like the food, but not with the wine”
Jess “Masks the wine”
Stephen “I like it with the wine. Brings out the goodness”
Karen “Makes it tarter”
Becky” I thought more acid-y, but tart fits”
Lauren “Better with the shrimp”

Wine alone: Robert
With Food #1: Sean, Jess, Elizabeth, Brian, Bob, Karen, Becky
With Food #2: Lauren, Stephen, Mike, Andy, Tobias, Bryan

Wine #2:  Cannonau di Sardegna Riserva 2009, Italy, Sardinia – Sella & Mosca est 1899
First taste comments:
Tobias “My Lord I am in Heaven!”
Lauren “Smells great!”
Stephen “Blackberry”
Lauren “Yes! And not too dry”
Bob “Good smell. Mild smell. Very good. A little nip to it.”
Andy “It’s great. Drinkable.”
Sean and Jessica in unison “Spice”
Robert “No finish. Great when you first sip it, but no flavor at the end. I wish the flavor would continue as I drink.”
Bob “I like the big kick in front with the mild finish”
Tobias “Predominant legs”
Brian “It’s fine. I’m not good enough to know”
Elizabeth “Dark cherry”
Andy “Black cherry?”
Elizabeth “It’s all the same to me”
Becky “Definitely has a spice”
Tobias “Cloves”

Winemaker notes:
The initial ruby red gradually shades into warmer, less intense shades as the wine ages. The faintly tousled woodland fragrances of the wine’s first year mature with aging into a complex, elegant bouquet proffering distinct whiffs of violets that fuse well with the tertiary notes of spiciness contributed by cask conditioning. On the palate, the wine is warm and beautifully poised, with a restrained background note of plums and an elegant hint of oak.

Food #1 – Red Delicious Apples with Mystery Cheese
Bob “Not good with the apple”
Becky “Makes the wine drier”
Sean “The cheese is actually pretty good!”
Tobias “The wine with the cheese is a piece of art”
Bob “Takes away the bite. Makes the wine better.”
Becky “With the cheese I taste the vanilla”
Karen “That’s what I was saying!!”

Food #2 – Pork Loin with Brown Sugar & Balsamic Vinegar & Mystery Spice
Bob “Now the finish is at the end. The spice is at the end.”
Lauren “Yes!”
Tobias “I wonder what it is that makes it do that”
Sean “This is amazing. The wine is good with this”
Karen “Makes it smoky”
Becky “Spicy wine!”
Bob “At the end”
Becky “Yes!”

Wine alone: no votes
With Food #1: Tobias, Andy, Stephen, Mike
With Food #2: Robert, Bryan, Sean, Jess, Elizabeth, Bob, Karen, Lauren, Becky

Wine #3:  Masi Campofiorin Rosso del Veronese 2009 – Nectar Angelorum Hominibis
First taste comments:
Tobias “Oh wow! I’m on the cusp of saying something profound.”
Lauren “This one smells good”
Elizabeth “Smooth”
Becky “Wow! Definitely vanilla!”
Karen “Stephen, this is one you will love.”
Tobias “Warm. Does that make sense? More an emotion than a temperature.”
Andy “Very fruity & very smooth”
Stephen “My favorite of the night”
Bryan “The easiest one to drink of the night”
Robert “A little bit of spice at the end”

Winemaker notes:
Deep ruby red color. Cherries and intriguing aromas of mild spices on the nose. Bright and well rounded at the same time on the palate; baked cherry and plum flavors with hints of cinnamon and vanilla. Excellent balance between the supporting acidity and soft tannins. Full bodied finish with delightful hints of cocoa. A very versatile wine. Perfect with many different kinds of food such as pasta with rich sauces based on meat or mushrooms, grilled or roasted red meats, game and mature cheeses.

Food #1 – Buffalo Mitica Cheese served on a Fresh Pear
Tobias “Oh my. I didn’t know anything could taste this good”
Becky “Very good with the wine”
Lauren “That is a stinky cheese!”
Bob “Your spouse or date had better eat this too”
Bryan “I like it better without the pear”
Karen “No vanilla and the wine turns dry”
Tobias “Undertones of foot and a little armpit” (describing the cheese smell)
Bob “Navel dust”
Mike “I thought it was okay. I liked it!”

Food #2 – Beef Tips with Tarragon, Olive Oil, Wine, Dijon Mustard & Garlic
Robert “Delicious!”
Becky “Brings back the vanilla”
Bob “Becky, I agree with you”
Tobias “Good. Brought back the vanilla.”
Elizabeth “I like it with the meat”
Tobias “More tart with the beef”
Sean “The beef tips were really good!”

Wine alone: Robert, Bryan, Jessica, Bob, Stephen, Becky
With Food #1: Elizabeth, Mike, Andy
With Food #2: Sean, Tobias, Lauren, Karen

After the Wine and Food pairings were over, we followed up with 4 Mystery Wines.

The "blogger" was retired for the night so we may never know what lay beneath the socks...only that all 4 wines were enjoyed by all.