Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Pale Purple Palette Pleasing Pulp otherwise known as "P" wine night

The Invitation:
P Party Postponement and Pronouncement
People Put forth that Perhaps I Procrastinated Putting forth this Pronouncement.  I Profess that I Purposely delayed to Ponder whether the Prognosticators would Properly Predict the impact of the Poor weather.  With angst it appears the Prognosticators’ Predictions were spot on.  So with Profound sorrow, we will Postpone P night until tomorrow.
But it is with great Pleasure that I invite you to Participate in P’s Friday night at Sophia’s Palace.  Profuse, Pleasing Palette Participation will Proceed  Promptly at 7:30 Pm.  Though any Premeditated arrival would be Profusely embraced. 
We will Partake of a Pre-eminent (which could be Presumptuous) Pairing of Purple hued Potions.  Whose Pungent Perfume may cause Pronouncements of Plum or Pear.  It has been said that we never become Pachyglossal as we Partake the Purple Potion.  We will sing a Paean to the Purveyors of Purple Pleasure.
Pantologists are invited.  Even those Papillose exceeding two.

The Response(s):
The Mealey Plans have been Permanently adjusted to Partake in the Pleasant Pale Purple Palette Pleasing Pulp!!!!   
A practically perfect pronouncement!  All we are saying is give P’s a chance (John Lennon).

Wine #1: Famille Perrin Cotes du Rhone Reserve France $10.19
Tasting comments:
Bob “Smells great”
Elizabeth “I’m pondering it”
Jessica “This wine has potential”
Karen “It does smell good”
Linda “It tastes good too”
Sean “I like it. It has the Sean seal of approval on it.”
Andy “I like it too”
Elizabeth “This is good wine. I’m positive this is good wine.”
Jessica “I like this one”
Mike “I thought it was very good”
Wayne “Strong tobacco taste”

Bob 9, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 7.5, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 8, Wayne 8, Linda 8, Jessica 8, Sean 9

Wine #2:  Michael Pozzan 2010 Napa Valley Merlot $15.29
Tasting comments:
Wayne “This is a deep purple”
Bob “It does have a smell but not as clear as the last one”
Mike “Tart. Sour.”
Bob “I heard an Ewwww…Elizabeth?”
Becky “Was that a good Ewww?”
Elizabeth “A sour Ewww”
Linda “Smells earthy”
Wayne “Is that a cloves smell?
Bob “What kind of clothes? Gym clothes?”
Becky “It does have a tartness to it. It has a little tobacco taste, too.”
Andy “This wine is growing on me”
Bob “Where at?”
Elizabeth “It is better after the pepperoni”
Andy “A real contrast to the other one. But good once it stands on its own.”
Becky “More complex”
Wayne “Finish is cloves, mace and all spice”
Jessica “I like this one”

Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth68, Wayne 7, Linda 7.5, Jessica 7.5, Sean 6

Wine #3:  Predator 2012 Old Vine Zinfandel Lodi Appellation $14.44
Tasting comments:
Bob “It’s not bad. Chocolatey. Plum. A Perfect Plum”
Wayne “Licorice. The smell turns me off a little. Moldy.”
Karen “Yeasty”
Elizabeth “It has a tinge of chocolate”
Bob “That’s what I said”
Sean “It’s not my favorite”

Bob 7, Karen 6.5, Mike 7, Becky 7, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 7, Wayne 7, Linda 7, Jessica 7, Sean 6

Saturday, November 1, 2014

"O" what a great wine night!

The Invitation:
Oh Dear Friends, 
We Observe that it is Our turn to host wine night. The Occurrence will happen this Friday February 7, at 7:30 O'clock. We look forward to the Opportunity to present Wines with the letter O. We Opine that it will be an Occasion of Obvious fun filled with wonderful food, including Olives, and wines with Only appealing Odors. We are aware that the Onus is On us to present Optimum wines, and hopefully no Outrageous Ones. It is an Outstanding Occasion for Oenophiles. Only One person per household needs to reply with the number of people coming.
 Obsequiously yours, Andy and Elizabeth

The Response(s):
Overjoyed, is the Obvious expression of Our feelings for the Opportunity to Overtly quaff the Opulent Offerings you have Ordered for Our upcoming Outing this Friday.  Both Linda and I Obdurately hold that all Occasions involving vino and Othoniel stimulation are Open for Objective Observations by all.  Our Opus, no, Operatic  renditions of Oldies abound with Ostentatious Oxonian Ovations.  Overall, it should be fun, Our Order shall be for two. Wayne and Linda
We would like to take this Opportunity to attend this Occurrence of Wine Night.  The Mealey's will be Obligated to have three in Observance at this Occasion at the McDonald house that is like a ship in the Offing.  Optimistically Yours, Bob and Karen

Okay…it appears that the Only Outstanding reply is Ours. After Outlining the plan to the Objects of my affection, I Obtained the final count of SIX, One of which has Often been found Obtaining Objects from a couch.  Over and Out…the Vortherms/McBee clan

Wine #1: Old Vine Red Lot Number 59 California Red  $15.99
Tasting comments:
Andy “I want to be the first to say Outstanding”
Sean “The smell is not overpowering. Sharp taste. Catches you right at the beginning.”
Bob “I like this one”
Becky “Should I be more optimistic than that?”
Robert “In the spirit of ‘O’, I want to say Okay, but it’s better than that”
Karen “Sweet”
Becky “This has a nice taste.”
Jessica “Starts out a little sweet, then mellows out”
Wayne “It’s a pleasant wine”
Elizabeth “The taste is optimal. Fragrant odor.”
Linda “Smooth in general”
Karen “A wine you can drink a lot”
Mike “Would be good with a meal”

Bob 7.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth 7.5, Wayne 7.5, Linda 7.5, Jessica 7.5, Sean 5, Robert 8

Wine #2:  Oberon Merlot Napa Valley 2011 Michael Mondavi Family $21.00
Tasting comments:
Elizabeth “An odor of black currant”
Bob “Not much smell, but a huge taste”
Wayne “Nice tannins”

Sean “Smoky”
Wayne “If it’s tobacco’y it must be a Cab Franc”
Karen “I really like it”
Jessica “Because it’s really dry” (Karen nodded)
Becky “A very light but good odor. You need to stick your nose down into the glass to smell it.”
Wayne “A full mouth of wine”
Bob “It calms down a lot with the bleu cheese”
Bob “Sean, this is a real wine. You’re becoming a big boy.”

Bob 7, Karen 7.5, Mike 6.5, Becky 7.5, Andy 8, Elizabeth 7.5, Wayne 8.5, Linda 7.5, Jessica 8, Sean 7, Robert 7.5

Wine #3:  Ondarre 2006 Reserva Rioja Spain $17.99
Tasting comments:
Karen “A lot more aroma”
Linda “Nice smell. Has more tannins than the last one”
Sean “It’s okay”Jessica “My favorite smell of the night”
Karen “A little tart”
Mike “Andy likes little tarts. We’ve heard that before”
Andy “Has more character than the last one. Has more Oomph.”
Becky “It does have a little tartness to it”
Elizabeth “But I like it”
Becky “It’s growing on me”


Bob 7.5, Karen 7.5, Mike 6, Becky 7.5, Andy 8, Elizabeth 8.5, Wayne 8, Linda 7.5, Jessica 7.5, Sean 7.5, Robert 8 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Some Nice or Naughty 'N' Wines - You decide!

The Invitation:
Nothing Needed. Notification Noted. Bob

The Response:
Naturally. Elizabeth 

Wine #1: Novelty Hill 2009 Royal Slope Red Columbia Valley $21.99
Tasting comments:
Bob “It has a little Nip to it”
Andy “A pop. Get’s you.”
Mike “A nice smell”
Bob “Spicy”
Andy “Good after bleu cheese”
Elizabeth “Has a nice finish to it”
Karen “I like it. Good start, middle and finish. No nonsense.”
Elizabeth “Noble”
Andy “kNowledgeable” (note the “n”)
Jessica “The blue cheese mellows out the wine”
Andy “Nice or Naughty?”

Elizabeth “Nice”
Bob “I like Naughty”Becky “A little spicy”
Kara “I was going to say mellow but I think it’s the amount I’ve been eating”
Becky “A little harsh”

Bob 7, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth 8, Jessica 7.5, Kara 6.5

Wine #2:  Block Nine – Caiden’s Vineyards Pinot Noir 2012  $13.99
Tasting comments:
Bob “Ewww”
Mike “The smell is definitely different”
Karen “Tastes like a red chardonnay”
Bob “This wine sucks”
Elizabeth “An acid-y smell”
Andy “Smells bad”
Mike “Tastes worse than the Happy Hour wine at the hotel”
Kara “Musty”
Elizabeth poured hers into Bob’s glass
Kara “Has Lauren’s ‘feet’ smell”
Becky “It’s not as bad as it smells”
Karen “I had it with these crackers and it wasn’t bad” (Bob’s gluten free crackers - Elizabeth can’t eat those crackers)

Bob 4, Karen 4, Mike 4, Becky 5.5, Andy 5, Elizabeth 4, Jessica 5, Kara 4

Wine #3:  Argiano NC Rosso Toscano 2011 Italian Red $22.99
Tasting comments:
Becky “This one looks a lot better – darker”
Andy “This one is Heaven on Earth compared to the last one”
Karen “Nirvana”
Elizabeth “Has a nebulous flavor”
Mike “I’m not getting a taste yet”

Bob “Soak your tongue in it”
Karen “Has a bite in the back at the end”
Bob “It bit me when I was putting the aerator in it”
Elizabeth “Has a sharp finish”
Andy “Makes my ears hurt”
Kara “Is it oak or something?”
Bob “You are sitting next to the Weeping Pussy Willow”
Kara “It’s dry but it doesn’t have much flavor”
Jessica “Has a bitter taste at the end”
Bob “Better au naturale”
Elizabeth “Better with the bleu cheese”
Bob “I like it with the Gouda cheese”


Bob 6, Karen 5.5, Mike 5, Becky 6, Andy 6, Elizabeth 6, Jessica 5.5, Kara 5.5

Sunday, September 14, 2014

It's "M" for Marvelous wines

The Invitation:
Methinks I am tardy in Mailing.  Please join us for a Magnificant Magical evening of Mood Management. Methinks it will be Metempirical.  And the wine will not be Maderization. 

The Response(s):
The Mealeys will Meet the Medley of Members at Mike's and Miss Becky's Mansion.  Karen's Mother, Mr. Don, and My Miss Kara will Magically appear with Me.  
Memorably yours, Mr. Mealey

The McDonalds will Mosey over to the Vortherms Maison to enjoy More Merriment on a Memorable night.

The McBees will Most Majestically Meet you at the Mansion entrance (Most likely My Mini Me). 

Wine #1: Murphy-Goode 2010 Liar’s Dice Zinfandel Sonoma $19.99
Tasting comments:
Bob “Smells like dirt”
Jessica “It does have an earthy smell”
Bob “Rich and full. Marvelous.”
Sean “Tastes good after the spicy cheese”

Don “Leaves a nice taste in the back of your throat”
Elizabeth “A rich, earthy taste”
Becky “It has a dry finish”
Caroline “Not as well as some”
Mike “I like the smell and taste”
Elizabeth “I like the spiciness”
Don “Has a little pepper in it”

Bob 8, Karen 7.5, Mike 7.5, Becky 8, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 7.5, Jessica 8, Sean 8, Kara 8, Don 8.5, Caroline 4

Wine #2:  Michael Pozzan 2010 Napa Valley Merlot $17.99
Tasting comments:
Elizabeth “I really like this one”
Caroline “Much better than the first one. Smooth. Goes all together.”
Karen “Dry”
Elizabeth “I’m coming over to the dry side”
Becky “The taste isn’t quite as full as the first wine”
Kara “Weaker. But good.”
Don “Doesn’t have the bite like the first one. A little flat.”
Jess “Dryer than the first one”

Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Andy 7, Elizabeth 8.5, Jessica 7.5, Sean 8, Kara 7.5, Don 6.5, Caroline 8

Wine #3:  Max Family Cuvee Napa Valley Red 2011 Private Reserve $27.99
Tasting comments:
Karen “Light color”
Bob “Rubyish red. Not a Pinot. A Rojo.”
Becky “Has a nice spice to it”
Elizabeth “I like it, but I liked the second one better”
Sean “A must have”
Andy “Medium good”
Elizabeth “Great merit”
Don “A good before dinner wine”
Elizabeth “Mellow”
Kara “I agree with that”
Bob “Majestic”
Mike “Mouthful”
Sean “I’m going to bring a dictionary next time”
Sean “It’s good”
Elizabeth “Not quite as magical as the first one”
Bob “Myth”
Andy “You’re mistaken”
Becky “Now I can put the rankings in”
Bob “Sure you don’t want more?”
Becky “Has spice to it. A thin finish.”
Becky “The first one had my vanilla. That’s why it was my favorite.”

Bob 7, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 7, Andy 7, Elizabeth 7.5, Jessica 7.5, Sean 8, Kara 7, Don 7, Caroline 7.5 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

"L" Night with Andy and eLizabeth - We had a LoveLy Time!

 The Invitation:
Since I have been a Laggard in hosting wine tastings, it is time to stop my Laziness and host this Thursday's  Long-awaited wine night. It is an especially Lovely time to host since I have my Loyal sister Laboring to
help prepare the 
Litany of food and Libations.

All Lads and Lasses are welcome to Leisurely arrive in their Lounge clothes, if desired. We would Love the evening to be filled with Laughter, Levity and occasional Lunacy. Hopefully the wine will be Luscious and not Lousy. We Look forward to a Lively time.
ELizabeth and Andy

Wine #1: Laetitia Estate Pinot Noir Arroyo Grande Valley 2010 $21.99
Tasting comments:
Becky “Interesting smell”
Bob “That’s weird. I don’t know if it’s the wine or the Paté. It tastes better than it smells”
Andy “It’s a little tart. I like little tarts.”
Jessica “It’s ok”
Becky “I like this wine”
Karen “Smells better when you aerate it”
Ginger “I enjoyed it. The best one I’ve had today, so far.”
Sean “Smells better the less you have in the glass”
Elizabeth “Drinkable, but not exciting”
Mike “It’s like sangria”
Becky “Smells like a clean latrine”
Andy “Likeable but ultimately lacking”
Ginger “I would drink it if it was free”

Bob 5, Karen 4, Mike 5, Becky 7, Andy 6, Elizabeth 5.5, Jessica 5.5, Sean 5, Ginger 5

Wine #2:  Lan Rioja-Crianza 2008 Red Wine Spain $12.99
Tasting comments:
Becky “Smells smokier”
Mike “Nice lines”
Elizabeth “I like this one. Smooth. Has a level taste.”
Karen “No tartness”
Bob “Luscious”
Andy “I’m longing for more”

Ginger “This is better. I would pay for this.”
Becky “Has the iron taste”
Sean “Not bad”
Karen “Not super dry. Nice finish.”
Elizabeth “I don’t like it super dry”
Jessica “Smells better”
Bob “I like this one”
Elizabeth “Smells like the liquid earth”
Becky “Smooth with a spicy note”

Bob 7.5, Karen 7.5, Mike 7.5, Becky 7.5, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 8, Jessica 7.5, Sean 7.5, Ginger 7

Wine #3:  Chateau LaRose-Trintaudon Haut-Medoc cru Bourgeois 2005
Tasting comments:
Bob “Musty”
Elizabeth “I think it smells lusty”
Mike “I like this one”
Ginger “Loaded with flavor”
Mike “Almost lovable”
Becky “Fresh”
Karen “A little earth, more berry”
Andy “A lilt to it”
Elizabeth “Gives me a lift”
Karen “Tarter”
Becky “Very dry”
Karen “It would be perfect if it wasn’t tart”
Sean “Makes me want to be a lush”

Bob 7, Karen 8.5, Mike 8, Becky 7, Andy 7, Elizabeth 7.5, Jessica 7, Sean 8, Ginger 6

Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's "K" night with Karen and Bob!

The Invitation:
Let the Knowledge of wine Kindle your desire for Kinship.  Keep 7:30pm this Friday as your post Kris Kringle celebration time at the Mealey Kitchen.  Kindly reply with your number of Kin folk attending.  Tie a Knot around your finger so you Know to come.  Travel a few Kilometers by car or your yellow Kayak if raining. Just be there!!!!! Kindheartedly Yours…Bob and Karen

The Responses:
1) Kudos to the Mealeys for the invite.  The McDonald family will be Knocking on your door Friday night.  We will be bringing the Kids and wine, but not Kangaroo wine.   With Mood Management present, there is bound to be good Karma as well as the regular Kookiness involved.   Elizabeth will be wearing a Killer red Knitted scarf made by the Kind Jessica McBee who has a Knack for such items.  It will be a Kodak moment. Kindest regards, The McDonalds
2) A Kwik Kount of the Vortherms Klan shows 7 adults with one Kinchin.  We will set the Klaxon to Klang at 7:15 so that we will not be tardy.  My Kickie-wickie and I look forward to tasting a Kaleidoscope of Kermes wines.  Andy’s tastes will undoubtedly run toward Kir and Kirsch.   I’m sure the night will end with a Kantikoy to the wine with a Kolo sytle. Kudos to all. The Vortherms Klan

Wine #1: Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve Merlot 2009 Sonoma $23.99
Tasting comments:
Meghan “Smells fruity”
Becky/Jessica “Smells good”
Karen “I don’t think it has a lot of smell”
Jessica “A little dry”
Robert “So far better than what dad picked out last week”
Bob “I like it”
Lauren “I do, too”
Wayne “Is this K?” (as he smells it)
Bob “See if you can give it Kudos”
Stephen “It’s sharp as a Knife”
Bryan “Thumbs up”
Wayne “Kautiously Kandid on this one”
Miranda “I actually like it”
Lauren “It’s tart”
Bob “I don’t find it tart. It doesn’t hurt my ears.”
Sean “I don’t think it’s half bad”
Wayne “A good medium bodied wine. Goes well with the meatballs.”
Meghan “I taste the tart”
Bob “It might be the King of the day”
Andy “A Kaleidoscope of flavor”
Stephen “It’s not a Knockoff”

Bob 8, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 7, Andy 7, Jessica 7, Sean 7, Wayne 7, Linda 7, Bryan 7, Robert 7.5, Stephen 7, Lauren 6, Kara 7, Sarah 7, Brian 7, Miranda 7, Meghan 7

Wine #2:  King’s Ridge Oregon Pinot Noir 2011 Willamette Valley Grown $15.99
Tasting comments:
Bryan “Light in color”
Wayne “Boone’s Farm”

Miranda “Looks like Manichevitz grape juice”
Bryan “Sour”
Meghan “Pink and it smells bad”
Jessica “See through wine”
Kara “Is this a Mike wine?”
Karen “Smells like strawberries”
Miranda “Smells like cough syrup”
Bob “Bizarre”
Lauren “It’s not that bad. A little booze-y.”
Sarah “Watery”
Meghan “Sour without any flavor behind it”
Brian”It’s better when I can’t taste it”
Beck “Not bad after the Havarti”
Karen “I don’t like it”…as she poured hers into Mike’s glass
Becky “Light tasting”
Miranda “You have to have food to make it decent”

Bob 5.5, Karen 2, Mike 4, Becky 5, Andy 5, Jessica 4, Sean 3, Wayne 5, Linda 4, Bryan 4, Robert 3.5, Stephen 5, Lauren 5, Kara 5, Sarah 4, Brian 4, Miranda 2, Meghan 3

Wine #3:  Kaiken Malec 2011 Reserva Mendoza Argentina $19.98
Tasting comments:
Jessica “A much better color”
Miranda “I like this one. It doesn’t make me shudder. A nice after taste.”
Robert “A Sharp taste at the beginning”
Stephen “Pungent”
Wayne “This wine passes the meatball test”
Meghan “A tart, not quite sour taste”
Wayne “I don’t think it’s sour, it’s cloves.”
Bryan “Am I imagining vanilla?”
Becky “I taste vanilla just before the sour hits”
Karen “I don’t like it. Currants. Tastes like there’s a lot of pulp in it.”
Karen Iron-y”

Mike “Black currant syrup with white wine. Kir.”
Karen “Better with the meatball”
Becky “A lot better. I don’t taste the sour.”
Bob “Tastes like feet”

Bob 5.5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 5.5, Andy 5, Jessica 6.5, Sean 7.5, Wayne 7.5, Linda 6, Bryan 7.5, Robert 6.5, Stephen 5, Lauren 4, Kara 4, Sarah 7, Brian 6.5, Miranda 6.5, Meghan 6