Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Planning Session for the next Wine Tastings!

We finished off the “European Red Wine” alphabet and decided we should have a planning night to decide on our next category for our weekly wine tastings. We bought some random wines to taste and found some good ones! Check them out!

Did you know? Scientific studies show that the antioxidants found in grape seeds and skins may reduce the blood clots that cause heart attacks, increase the good cholesterol that removes fat from blood vessels, and might even fight cancer by slowing the growth of tumors. And you thought we were just drinking red wine for the taste!

Results of the planning session: Next alphabet will be wines with at least 50% Cabernet Sauvignon. These wines can be from ANYWHERE. Stay tuned.

Friday, July 20, 2012
Planning Night at Mike and Becky’s

  1. Rosso di Montalcino 2010 Il Poggione
    Bob: “Smells kinda…nothing. I have my toes in there and I can’t smell anything.”
    Becky: “Mild smell. Tastes good.”
    Karen: “No aroma.”
    Bryan: “Not a lot of smell.”
    Jess: “Just a hint.”
    Karen: “If you swirl it you catch a whiff. Tastes sweet with a dry behind.”
    Jess: “A little dry. Intimate.”
    Bryan: “I was the first one to finish. That’s a first!”
    Jess: “Party wine.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Jess 7, Bryan 7.5
  2. Textbook Cabernet Sauvingnon Napa Valley
    Bob: “This one smells good!”
    Becky: “This smells so good I don’t want to drink it!”
    Bryan: “It smells better than it tastes.”
    Jess: “A little tart.”
    Karen: “Much better. More aroma and flavor. I like it a lot.”
    Bob: “Better than the last one. A lot of aroma. It’s dry.”
    Becky: “This one makes me thirsty.”
    Mike: “Not as dry.”
    Karen: “I really like this one.”
    Bob 7.5, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8, Jess 7, Bryan 6.5

  3. Banfi – Chianti Classico Riserva 2007
    Bob: “Bold.”
    Jess: “It came at a bad time – dinner time!”
    Karen: “What is that smell? Fruity? Berry?”
    Bob: “Cherry.”
    Karen: “I’ll go with cherry.”
    Karen: “I kind of like the smell. The taste is drier. It has a drier finish. I’m sad I gave the 2nd an 8 because now I’m forced to rate this higher!”
    Becky: “Very smooth.”
    Karen: “It has Bob’s bite. It’s dry. I like it! Even better than Earthquake.”
    Bryan: “It tastes like wine.” (immature palate the rest of us said) “Not the best of the night.”
    Sean: “I could drink this one again. I really liked this one!” (and if you knew Sean you would know this is HIGH PRAISE)
    Bob 7.5,  Karen 8.5, Mike 7.5, Becky 8, Jess 7.5, Bryan 7, Sean 8

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Finally! The last of the European "Alphabet" wines!

It has been a LONG time since my last blog and a lot of wine has been tasted over the last 5 plus months. A significant amount of wine was tasted in ITALY, where all of us on that trip agree, we NEVER had a bad glass of wine!

Today I will catch up on the European wines letters U through Z. Our creativity was challenged in finding wines using some of those letters…and as you will see, we stretched the rules a tad. We also got a little carried away trying to describe the wine using the Letter of the night. See how many of those words you can spot!

I did hear from one reader recently. She told me that she and her friends are now making comments along the lines of “This is a Karen wine…dry.” and “Becky would like this one. It has her velvet.” We hope that you have fun with your wine tasting. We know that WE do!

Thursday, March 29, 2012
‘U’ Night – Becky & Mike’s turn

  1. Heredad Ugarte Crianza 2008, Spain  $12.99
    Karen: “Smells good!”
    Bob: “Has a mild smell. Are we on U’s? How did you find them? It goes up your nose.”
    Jess: “Uh, oh”
    Becky: “This is a drinking wine.”
    Jess: “Not much to say about this one. Unremarkable.”
    Bob: “But understandable.”
    Karen: “Is it more flowery than fruity?”
    Becky: “It does have a flowery essence.”
    Mike: “Good with chocolate.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 6, Jess 6

  2. Llicorella Priorat Cellers Unió Selección Especial 2002, Spain?    $39.99
    Becky: “This has a different smell.”
    Bob: “Deep. A lot of tannins.”
    Karen: “Oh my.”
    Jess: “Kind of sour.”
    Karen: “Sour?”
    Mike: “There’s a big of sour.”
    Karen: “It’s spicy, though. Too many flavors going on.”
    Becky: “I’m kind of liking this wine. It’s really different.”
    Karen: “The taste keeps changing.”
    Becky: “Really good after salami.”
    Karen: “It has a nice deep color.”
    Bob: “I’m unspoken.”
    Mike: “Terrible after chocolate. UGH.”
    Bob 5.5, Karen 6, Mike 5, Becky 7, Jess 4.5

  3. Cincuenta Ugarte Rioja, Spain  $10.99
    Bob: “I think it’s going downhill from the first one.”
    Karen: “So, Mike, what’s the word?”
    Mike (blank look)Becky: “I think it’s UMMM.”
    Mike: “First word is Utterly.”
    Karen: “Underdeveloped.”
    Bob: “Underpenny. 99. Was under a dollar.”
    Mike: “Under performer.”
    Jess: “Utterly better than the last one.”
    Karen: “I like this one better. It’s dry. It doesn’t have as much smell.”
    Mike: “Utterly useless like Mike.”
    Karen: “What is that smell? It’s not bad. I just don’t know what it is. Not chocolate. Don’t write that!”
    Bob: “Now that we’re done we’re going to play some eUchre.”

    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 5, Becky 6, Jess 6.5

Friday, April 6, 2012
‘V’ Night – Karen & Bob’s turn

Menu: Crackers, Cheese, Fondue (YUM!), Sausage, Ham

  1. Pierre Amadieu Vacqueyras La Grangelière 2008, France  $17.99
    Mike: “Lighter color. Oak-y smell.”
    Bob: “Wow! That’s good!”
    Karen: “Yeah, I like this.”
    Stephen, with his fondue fork, successfully skewered cheese, sausage & cracker to much applause.
    Kara: “Great drinkability.”
    Bob: “Lite, but good flavor.”
    Stephen: “It’s good.”
    Becky: “Tastes best after ham.”
    Karen: “Not enough body for a high score. Gives me a warm feeling…like whisky.”
    Becky: “It gives me that metal taste.”
    Kara: “Yeah. Iron. Like blood.”
    Bob 7.5, Karen 7, Mike 6.5, Becky 6, Jess 7.5, Kara 6.5, Lauren 6, Stephen 6.5

  2. Cuvée du Vatican Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2007, France    $49.99
    Karen: “Smells good. REALLY good. It had better taste as good as it smells.”
    Jess: “Will you cry if it doesn’t?”
    Karen: “Yes.”
    Bob: “Mulberries.”
    Karen: “You don’t even know what a mulberry is!”
    Bob: “The finish is…EWW. Need cheese!”
    Lauren: “Drinkable.”
    Stephen: “Bad after taste.”
    Jess: “I like this one.”
    Karen: “A lot better after the veggie crackers.”
    Bob 5.5, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 6.5, Karan 4, Lauren 6.5, Stephen 5

  3. Le Nain Violet Grenache 2008 Domaine de la Pertuisane, France  $24.99

    Stephen: “Nice color.”
    Karen: “Smells really good. I don’t want to taste it.”
    Bob: “Karen sighed. Did you write that down?”
    Bob: “Smells strong. A weight lifter with sweat.”
    Mike: “Sour.”
    Bob: “It has vintage character.”
    Lauren: “Dry, but fruity.”
    Bob: “It’s almost Voodoo. It’s very dry. It’s almost velvety.”
    Becky: “That’s MY word – You can’t steal it!”
    Bob: “Violet. Volumptious (yes, a new word).”
    Jess: “The viscosity is visceral.”
    Stephen: “It’s Veto-able. If someone opens this wine I will veto it.”
    Karen: “It’s my fave of the night. Very dry.”
    Mike: “It’s so dry Lauren needs chopsticks.”
    Stephen: “Vengeful. The dryness is villainous.”
    Karen: “Oh man. This is so good!!”

    Bob 5, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 6.5, Kara 7, Lauren 5, Stephen 5
    NOTE: This wine was recommended by Tony at Super Cellar

  4. Campo Viejo Rioja Reserva 2006, Spain    $13.99
    Lauren: “I don’t like this one. Very dry and bland.”
    Karen: “Licorice. Anybody think licorice? I haven’t tasted it yet. I’m saying licorice. Anise.”
    Bob: “It smells like fish.”
    Becky: “It doesn’t smell like fish. Black licorice.”
    Karen: “Dry and very little taste.”
    Becky: “Iron. Vampire wine.”
    Kara: “I would have to agree with bland.”
    Jess: “Unremarkable.”
    Stephen: “It was OK.”
    Bob: “I think I’m going through puberty again. I have a pimple on my nose.”

    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 7.5, Becky 6, Jess 5, Kara 4, Lauren 4, Stephen 6.5

  5. Catapereiro Vinho Tinto Vinho REgional Tejo 2008, Portugal    $11.99
    Karen: “Smells good.”
    Mike: “Fruity.”
    Bob: “It looks like Becky is having a relationship with the wine.”
    Becky: “I had to close my eyes to smell it.”
    Bob: “This is kind of mild.”
    Mike: “It’s a fruitier taste”
    Lauren: “I like it!”
    Stephen: “Very ordinary.”
    Kara: “Too fruity for me.”
    Lauren: “I like it a lot.”
    Jess: “Smell attacks your nose.”

    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6, Jess 5.5, Kara 5, Lauren 6.5, Stephen 5.5
Thursday, April 19, 2012
‘W’ Night – Mike & Becky are Up to Bat

  1. 2006 Chateau Malmaison Baronne Nadine de Rothschild Moulis-en-Medoc, France  $22.99
    Karen: “Smells like Thursday.”
    Jess: “Smells like the day after Wednesday.”
    Bob: “Well ‘Wounded’.”
    Mike: “Full bodied. Nice smell.”
    Karen: “This is really dry. I’m surprised you like it so much.”
    Jess: “It won’t wet your whistle.”
    Bob: “I think it’s wonderful.”
    Mike: “I don’t think it’s dry.”
    Becky: “Earthy.”
    Mike: “It’s a wonderful wine.”
    Bob: “It Weally is.”
    Becky: “An interesting taste. Not ‘won’ dimensional.”
    Bob 7, Karen 6.5, Mike 7.5, Becky 7, Jess 6.5

  2. Volver 2009 “Wine Advocate 90 Points” Bodegas Volver, Spain    $16.99
    Karen: “This one smells better.”
    Bob: “It does smell good. Really good.”
    Karen: “Yum. A lot more flavor.”
    Jess: “I like it.”
    Bob: “Spicy.”
    Karen: “Smoother. A lot of flavor in the mouth.”
    Becky: “I’m guessing it’s from Spain.”
    Mike: “Black Currant.”
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 6, Becky 7.5, Jess 7.5

  3. Wrongo Dongo Monastrell, Spain…. A Gift from Mike’s friend
    Karen: “This smell is in between the 1st and 2nd. It’s drier.”
    Bob: “I think it’s pretty good.”
    Jess: “Dry”
    Mike: “Nice smelling body.”
    Bob: Spit dry. Sandy. Desert.”
    Becky: “Fresh smell – like after a rain.”

    Bob 6, Karen 7.5, Mike 6, Becky 7, Jess 7

Thursday, April 26, 2012
‘X’ Night – Bob & Karen X marks the spot

  1. Grand Vin de Bordeaux Chateau Lamoth de Haux 2007, France   $18.99
    Bob: “Smells good. Fruity. Smells better than it tastes.”
    Mike: “A bland, plain taste.”
    Becky: “But drinkable.”
    Bob: “Doesn’t make me x-uberant.”
    Karen: “I don’t think it’s bad.”
    Bob: “Do you think it’s x-cellent?”
    Karen: “No. I taste pepper.”
    Becky: “Pleasant. Really good with swiss.”
    Bob 6.5, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 6.5 (the smell for Bob was an 8)

  2. Chateau Saint Martin 2008 de la Garrigue Bronzinelle Coteaux du Lanyuede    $19.99
    Mike: “Sour. Tangy.”
    Bob: “A lot of flavor. Not necessarily good flavor. Stinks like hell.”
    Mike: “Sour Patch Kids, but not as sweet.”
    Becky: “Cloudy.”
    Mike: “It’s a seafood wine.”
    Bob: “Tamed down by the tang of the sauce (shrimp cocktail sauce).”
    Mike: “I guess I know which wine I’m buying. You guys will have to suffer.”
    Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 7, Becky 5.5

  3. Les Baux de Provence mas de gourgonnier 2009     $17.99

    A Short Fat Bottle
    Bob: “Don’t laugh.” (wrinkled nose when tasted) “We did not do well this week.”
    Karen: “I like this one better than the last one. Less flavors.”
    Bob: “One flavor, and it’s bad.”
    Karen: “This one IS better than the last one.”
    Mike: “No.”
    Bob: “Not good. Dry though. A dry, crap wine. But it’s bad. You’d think a short, fat wine would be good.”
    Karen: “I think that’s why I like it. It’s ‘alcohol-y’. Not a lot of flavor, but very dry. A nice color.”
    Mike: “A very nice color.”

    Bob 6, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 5

Thursday, May 3, 2012
‘Y’ Night – Mike & Becky were responsible for these wines!

  1. Yarden Mount Hermon Galilee 2010 Golan Heights Winery   $14.99
    Rabi Avraham Oyerbach – Kosher wine “This wine is not ‘mevushal’”

    Bob: “This wine won’t make you yawn yet, but it will make one yell Yahoo!”
    Jess: “Yippee! Smells Yummy.”
    Bob: “Kind of strong – what did you think?”
    Jess: “A fruity after taste.”
    Bob: “Goes very well with the cheese.”
    Mike: “It does get better with the cheese.”
    Bob: “….is yelling for more wine. Yikes.”
    Becky: “Fruity.”
    Karen: “And a little peppery.”
    Kara: “I’m thinking blackberry.”
    Becky: “Something black – maybe black cherry.”
    Kara: “Yes!”
    Bob 6.5, Karen 6.5, Mike 6.5, Becky 6.5, Jess 6.5, Kara 5.5

  2. Chateau D’Arvigny Haut-Medoc 2008    $15.99
    Karen: “That doesn’t smell very nice.”
    Becky: “The first smell was yucky – the second smell was better.”
    Bob: “It’s fizzy.”
    Karen: “Caramel.”
    Becky: “A harsh after taste.”
    Bob: “Eww.”
    Mike: “Yowza!”
    Bob: “Yucky.”
    Karen: “I don’t like it.”
    Bob 4.5, Karen 4, Mike 4, Becky 4, Jess 4.5, Kara 5

  3. Senorio de Convey Cellers Unio 2008, Spain     $14.99
    Becky: “A darker color. Kind of a chocolate smell.”
    Karen nodded her head
    Kara: “Then we need to eat strawberries.”
    Becky: “Tobacco smell.”
    Mike: “A three. It’s bland.”
    Becky: “You can’t rate it already! Wine foul!”
    Bob: “A premature rating.”
    Bob 4.5, Karen 4, Mike 3, Becky 4, Jess 4.5, Kara 4

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
‘Z’ Night – The last of the European Red Alphabet selections! With Bob and Karen

  1. Izadi Reserva Rioja 2003 Spain (a duplicate!)   $19.95
    Karen: “It smells good.”
    Mike: It DOES smell good.”
    Becky: “Is it Zesty?”
    Karen/Bob: “It IS Zesty!”
    Bob: “It has a little zip.”
    Karen: “A little peppery.”
    Mike: “It has a bite at the end, but I don’t know what it is.”
    Bob: “It’s kind of blah. I’m not feeling it. No fireworks.”
    Becky: “It is MUCH better after spicy food. I didn’t like it with the cheese.”
    Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6

  2. Chateau du Souzy Beaujolais-Villages 2009, France    $11.99
    Karen: “I don’t like the smell of this one. It’s fruitier.”
    Karen made a weird face
    Becky: “Definitely fruitier.”
    Mike: “Black currant. Dark.”
    Bob: “Not bad. Not good. A musty smell.”
    Bob 5, Karen 4, Mike 5, Becky 4.5

  3. Vina Zaco Rioja Tempranillo 2008, Spain   
    Karen: “I’m not wild about this one either.”
    Bob: “Io capiszco vino”
    That’s Bob practicing his Italian for our trip to Italy
    Mike: “Fair. A berry.”
    Karen: “More cherry than berry.”
    Bob: “Kind of ……. no pizzazz ….  doesn’t capiszco”
    Karen: “More fruity.”

    Bob 5, Karen 4, Mike 4, Becky 4

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Time for European "T' wines!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
‘T’ Night with Bob & Karen

Menu: Shrimp, broccoli, cheese, crackers (Bob’s fave), pepperoni, asparagus, bread

There is some history tonight with the wine selection. One of the wines is the first wine that Karen & Bob ever had together. The year was 1982 in Williamsburg, Virginia

  1. Larose – Tritaudon Haut Médoc 2005, Cru Bourgeois, France  $22.00

    Unanimous: “Smells good!”
    Bob: “A little tart, isn’t it?”
    Mike: “If you let it linger there’s a definite tartness.”
    Bob: “It’s like a girlfriend you can’t get rid of.”
    Mike: “Tangy, tasty, titillating.”
    Becky: “A lot of sediment in the bottom of the bottle.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 7

  2. Chateau Talbot Gran Cru Classe Saint-Julien 2006, France    $79.99!!
    Bob: “Oh, that’s dry!”
    Karen: “All right. This one’s really nice. This is your velvet. Becky.”
    Kara called (on the phone)
    Becky: “Kara, this is a wine you would like!”
    Kara is whining
    Bob: “Dusty, dry wine. I enjoyed that.”
    Karen: “Smooth.”
    Mike: “I need some more – that’s because I drink wine.”
    Bob: “Not before it’s time……It’s time!!”
    Bob 8, Karen 9, Mike 7, Becky 7.5

  3. Tres Picos Borsao Garnacha 2009, Spain  $15.99

    Karen grabbed Bob’s glass to taste….
    Bob: “You can’t do that! That’s a wine violation!! I didn’t even drink it yet.”
    Bob: “This is blood red.”
    Becky: “I’m guessing this is the Spanish wine.”
    Mike: “Spicier.”
    Karen: “I agree with you. I don’t like the smell. Berry. Like cherries. Like a cordial.”
    Bob: “Tempting but not tantalizing.”
    Mike: “It has taste. The last one didn’t have any taste.”
    Becky: “Tastes sour to me.”
    Karen: “Not sour. Tart.”
    Bob: “You need another T (word). Could be terrible.”
    Bob: “Hold on. I need to decide between 9 and 6….”
    Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 6, Becky 6

'S' Night - European Reds continued

Thursday, March 15, 2012
‘S’ Night with Mike & Becky

Menu: Sausage, veggies, hummus, strawberries, cheddar, swiss, Gloucester, crackers, bread

  1. Carlos Serres Reserva 2005, Rioja, Spain   $19.99

    Bob: “Mmm. The sausage is a 10.”
    Bob: “Smells really good.”
    Claire: “I’m not good at descriptive words.”
    Karen: “Peppery.”
    Bob: “We can’t all like it.”
    Becky: “There’s no rule against that!”
    Claire: “Even I like it!”
    Becky: “It has a vanilla after taste. You taste the pepper first, then it relaxes into vanilla.”
    Mike: “Spendid. Sings on my tongue.”
    Jess: “Scrumptious.”
    Bob: “Makes me salivate.”
    Claire: “Stinks.”
    Bob: That was stupid.”
    Claire: “Silly.”
    Karen: “Shut up. Seriously”
    Bob: “Sausage.”
    Mike: What was it like being alone on campus during break week?”
    Claire: “It sucked.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 8, Becky 8, Jess 8, Claire 6 (because of the smell)

  2. Sabor Real 2008, Toro, Spain    $9.99
    Karen: “Smells like a Spanish wine – Sweeter. Definitely Spain.”
    Claire: “More my style.”
    Bob: “Bitter.”
    Mike: “Not bitter. More sour.”
    Bob: “Okay. I can be influenced. I’m a sucker.”
    Jess: “Easily swayed.”
    Bob: “It grows on you. It tastes like Mike’s sock.”
    Becky: “I don’t like it.”
    Claire: “I do!”
    Jess: “Street fight!”
    Bob 5.5, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 5, Jess 6.5, Claire 7

  3. Serrado Colheita 2008, DĀO, Portugal  $??

    Becky: “Looks really dark.”
    Bob: “Cuz there are no lights on”
    Africaans -> Baie_Dankie = Thank you very much
    Karen: “I do like this one. It’s dryer. Really dry.”
    Bob: “It has a bite. Snake bite. Right at my ankles. It hits my ears.”
    Becky: “Definitely dry.”
    Mike: “A good wine. A little dry. Not in the bottom 5.”
    Bob 5.5, Karen 7, Mike 6.5, Becky 6, Jess 6.5, Claire 6
    Mike: “Immature palates don’t know how to rank the wine!! New Rule: The person with the highest ranking has to finish the bottle. The person with the lowest ranking picks the next bottle.”

  4. Chateau Segondignac Médoc 2006, France  $10.49

    Bob: “Lighter. Light red. Almost blood.”
    All: “Blood. Not funny.” (go to YouTube if you don’t get this joke)
    Bob: “Ewww.”
    Discussion about prepping for surgery….
    Bob: “Are you going to wash your hands?”
    Doctor – Opens a book.
    Bob: “Seriously?”
    Doctor: “Gotcha!”
    Mike: “We have to save this story for the ‘V’s”
    Jess: “Has a…” (sticks tongue out, scrunches nose, furrows brow)… “taste.”
    Mike: “It doesn’t smell as crisp.”
    Claire: “My hands are sweating.”
    Karen: “This is so dry. It’s almost too dry. Like persimmons – dries your mouth out!”
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 5, Becky 5.5, Jess 5, Claire 5

Sunday, May 27, 2012

'R' You Ready?

Thursday, March 8, 2012
‘R’ Night with Bob & Karen

Menu: Antipasto – olives, prosciutto, mushrooms, artichokes, garlic.
Cheeses: Asiago, Parmesan, Provolone, Mozarella.
Red, orange, green sweet peppers. Marinated with olive oil & olive sauce.
Supresat, Carpazzo, Salami. Crackers. Taleggio cheese.

  1. Las Rocas Garnacha 2008 Viñas Vigias de San Alejandro, Spain   $19.99
    Bob: “Smells velvety.”
    Karen: “Ooh. I like this!”
    Becky: “Smells really good. Sometimes you can’t smell anything.”
    Bob: “Dark Purple or Ruby Red – the Rotund guy said that.”
    Bob: “Surprisingly mild.”
    Karen: “A velvety bold.”
    Bob: “Ravishing”
    Karen: “Fantastic smell, taste, finish. That’s why it’s a 9.”
    Bob 8, Karen 9, Mike 8.5, Becky 8.5

  2. Côtes du Rhône 2007 – Appellation Coôtes du Rhône Contrôlée, France    $14.99
    Bob: “Eww. We’re done.”
    Karen: “It’s a pretty color, though.”
    Mike (poured a lot): “Becky, this is your glass. I have too much.”
    Bob: “Smells yeasty.”
    Becky: “Which one is it? The one with the sock?”
    Karen: “It’s dry. I like it.”
    Becky: “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
    Karen: “This is a good drinker.”
    Mike: “It has gotten better than the first taste.”
    Bob: “Kind of rosy. A rosy radiance.”
    Mike: “It’s resounding. You have to get past the smell.”
    Becky: “Has the metallic/iron taste.”
    Karen: “I don’t like the smell.”
    We talked about work…blah, blah, blah, blah.
    Bob 6.5, Karen 6.5, Mike 6.5, Becky 6

  3. Museum Real Reserva – Cigales 2005 Tempranillo, Spain  $29.99
    Best Label! Awesome!!

    Karen: “We’ve had all dark ones.”
    Becky: “Eww.”
    Mike: “Are you swirling? Are you going clockwise or counterclockwise? You have to go counterclockwise.”
    Bob: “Didn’t I say it can only go down from here?”
    Karen: “The taste is not unpleasant.”
    Over the lips & through the gums, look out stomach here it comes.
    Bob: “It’s not bad. It is dry. You taste the fruit.”
    Becky: “I can’t get past the smell. I haven’t tasted it yet…. It tastes better than it smells.”
    Counterclockwise is harder with your left hand.
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7

It was Quite a Quest to find Q's from Europe

Thursday, March 1, 2012
‘Q’ Night hosted by Mike & Becky but held in the home of Bob & Karen
Bob: “Claire is Q-less.” Mike: “That’s the quote – Claire is here but has no ‘Q’s.”
Claire in pain after her operation, and unable to taste the Q’s tonight.

  1. Château Queyssard 2005 Premières Côtes de Bordeaux, France   $13.99
    Bob: “Basic.”
    Becky: “Thin.”
    Karen: “Smells lighter than it tastes.”
    Jess: “Not my favorite.”
    Karen: “Not bad after the salami.”
    Bob: “It’s not bad, it’s just not good.”
    Karen: “I’m liking it better with food.”
    Jess: “I agree.”
    Mike: “I haven’t found the right food. yet.”
    Bob: “Quaint.”
    Mike: “Quick.”
    Jess: “Quiet.”
    Karen: “Quirky”
    Becky: “Not queenly.”
    Bob: However, I’m going to drink it because it’s going to quench my thirst.”
    Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 6, Jess 5

  2. Quasar Gran Reserva from Chile…Oops! Not European    $11.99
    Becky: “Look at the color!”
    Karen: “It’s darker.”
    Mike: “I have a lot.”
    Becky: “You have quite a lot.”
    Karen: “PLEASE taste as good as it smells…Quality.”
    Bob: “Look at it. It quakes.”
    Karen: “Yum.”
    Bob: I’m with her. You’re not going to get a quarrel out of me.”
    Jess: “I quite agree.”
    Bob: “You know what’s interesting? It’s Q night and you may go watch Quidditch!”
    Becky: “This one is queenly.”
    Mike: This was worth the quest.”
    Jess: High quality.”
    Karen: “It has enough dryness. It has a nice finish.”
    Becky: “It has a beautiful color.”
    (Mike: “Take the bus.” Jess: “Where do I catch it?” Bob: “At said bus stop.” Becky almost spits wine out.)
    Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Jess 8

  3. The Spanish Quarter 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon tempranillo, Spain  $9.99
    Karen: “What is that smell? I don’t want to taste it yet. Licorice?”
    Bob: “Clove.”
    Karen: “Yes! Clove!” (Karen brought out cloves to smell)
    Jess: “It’s pretty good.”
    Bob: “It’s not bad.”
    Mike: I like it. I’m quaking.”
    Becky: “This does have a little spice to it.”
    Mike: “The taste at the end is better. But no quake.”
    Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 7.5, Becky 7.5, Jess 6.5

  4. Clos des Quatre Vents – Fleurie 2009 George Duboeuf, France  $18.99
    Becky: “Wow! Look how dark that is!” This is the metallic smell.”
    Bob: “Eww. What is that? Smells like big balls.”
    Karen: “I don’t like this. I don’t want to drink it. Who wants it?” (pours her wine into Bob’s glass)
    Mike: “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
    Bob: “Tastes like those chips. Tastes like olives.”
    Bob 5, Karen 4, Mike 7, Becky 3, Jess 6

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Some 'P'leasing European reds

Thursday, February 23, 2012
‘P’ Night with Bob & Karen

  1. Chateau Pas de Rauzan 2008 Bordeaux Superieur, France   $11.99
    Karen: “I don’t know if I like this one.”
    Bob: “Doesn’t smell bad.”
    Becky: “Sewer smell.”
    Karen: “Sea smell – on the beach, in the sand, on the porch.”
    Becky: “Tastes like it too! Stuff on the beach.”
    Mike: “A bad first taste.”
    Bob: “I’m not disappointed. I’m not in the sewer with the rest of you.”
    Bob 6.5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 5

  2. Camins del Priorat 2009 – Alvaro Palacios, Spain    $??
    Becky: “Pretty color. Deep.”
    Karen: “Smells similar to the first one. Is our aerator bad?”
    Becky: “This is better.”
    Bob: “Tasty.”
    Mike: “My headache is gone. It’s growing on me. Better than the first one.”
    Mike: “It’s a pleasing perfumed palate pleasure.”
    Becky: “Thtat doesn’t make any sense.”
    Bob: “Just write it down.”
    Bob 6.5, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 6

  3. Prado Rey Crianza 2005 Tempranillo, Spain  $19.99
    Becky: “Smells really good.”
    Karen: “A really good smell.”
    Mike: “Pleasurable Plum” (before even tasting)
    Bob: “Not Plum.”
    Mike: “P for Perfect”
    Becky: “Spicy.”
    Bob: “Did you write down Purple?”
    Karen: “The smell is awesome.”
    Bob: “Perfect? Peppery? Somewhat potent isn’t it?”
    Bob: “It kind of makes you a little Parched. What is it called when you do this with your lips?”
    Becky: “Pucker?”
    Bob: “Yes! I’m pleased.”
    Mike: “Plethora of Purity. Pleasing.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 7

'O' My! Some more European red wines...

Thursday, February 16, 2012
‘O’ Night with Becky & Mike

  1. Ostatu 2006 Rioja Alavesa, Spain   $15.99
    Mike: “Hmmm.”
    Karen: “Smells good.”
    Bob: “Tastes like bubblegum.”
    Dane: “No.”
    Karen: “I kind of like it.”
    Bob: “Cuz it’s Juicy Fruit.”
    Jess: “It’s not Juicy Fruit.”
    Karen: “No, it’s not sweet.”
    Mike: “I can’t figure out that taste.”
    Becky: “Light. Not sweet.”
    Becky: “Bob’s off his game.”
    Bob: “No I’m not. I’m just getting picky.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 7, Dane 6

  2. Onix Priorat 2006, Spain    $14.99
    Dane: “This one is better.”
    Mike: “More flavor.”
    Jess: “It goes pshesss in your mouth. A party in your mouth. Draw a can.”
    Karen wrinkled her nose: “This is NOT better than the 1st one. Sweater. Not dry. Peppery finish.”
    Mike: “Tobacco.”
    Bob: “Karen, do you want more?”
    Karen: “I do not want it” (with a flare she poured the bottle into Bob’s glass)”
    Becky: “A spicy smell.”
    Bob 6, Karen 4.5, Mike 7.5, Becky 6, Jess 6, Dane 7.5

  3. Oniro 2008 Alicante red wine, Spain  $9.99
    Bob: “Three strike outs today. Are you sure this isn’t a ‘K’?”
    Karen: “I like this better than the 2nd one.”
    Mike: “An oak-y taste with licorice & black cherry.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Jess 6.5, Dane 7

  4. Chateau Festiano 2005 Minervois, France  $6.95
    Dane: “This one’s good!”
    Becky: “I like the smell.”
    Mike: “Licorice.”
    Becky: “This one is the best one of the night.”
    Karen: “Tastes like chocolate. Mocha.”
    Mike: “It’s not chocolate. I don’t buy chocolate wine.”
    Bob is pissy tonight.
    Becky: “Smooth.”
    Karen: “And chocolate-y. I’m sorry.”
    Bob 5.5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 7.5, Jess 7, Dane 7.5

N Night with some 'N'ice European Reds

Thursday, February 9, 2012
‘N’ Night with Bob & Karen

  1. Guillon Nardou 2009 Grand Vin de Bordeaux France   $12.99
    Bob: “Ooh. This is so…different. A different dry. A good different.”
    Becky: “Interesting. Smooth like vanilla with a little bite afterwards.”
    Karen: “Has a lot more taste than smell.”
    Mike: “Smooth”
    Karen: “I think this is dry, but not super dry. A nice dry which makes it really smooth.”
    Bob 8, Karen 7.5, Mike 8, Becky 7.5

  2. Le Nain Violet Domaine de la Pertuisane Grenache 2008    $24.99
    Karen: “This is dark!”
    Becky: “Purple.”
    Bob: “This Gouda is good. Oooh. That’s a different smell. Not necessarily good.”
    Karen: “Very different from the last one but not that bad.”
    Bob: “Forget the not bad part. It’s bad. It’s crap.”
    Karen: “Licorice.”
    Mike: “Maybe it needs to breath.” (he got the aerator out) “Looks dusty.”
    Karen: “I blew it…don’t write that down!”
    Bob: “Even Bob blew it.”
    Bob: “It does actually taste better. A lot better!”
    Mike: “Definitely smoother. I think this wine velvety caresses my palate.”
    Bob: “All I envision is a hair ball.”
    Karen: It has a sweet taste. I love the color.”
    Bob: “Note: Becky gave it a 7 but was hit by a bookshelf earlier today.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 7

  3. Fixin 1er Cru Clos Napoléon 2007 France  $33.99
    Bob: “It’s lite.”
    Mike: “It is lite. Rose.”
    Karen: “There are no legs, I don’t like it.”
    Becky: “I don’t like the smell.”
    Karen: “What is that taste?”
    Mike: “I have a stuffed nose & it’s terrible.”
    Bob: “Your nose or the wine?”
    Mike: “Both.”
    Becky: “It’s giving me heartburn.”
    Mike: “Bad smell. Like pork bellies. Chicken livers.”
    Becky poured hers into Bob’s glass.
    Bob: “Why do we get the crap?”
    Becky: “Because you can handle the crap.”
    Mike: “You need me in that glass.”
    Bob 4, Karen 1, Mike 2, Becky 1

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

'M' night with Mike & Becky

Friday, February 3, 2012
‘M’ Night at Becky & Mike’s

We had to postpone the regular Thursday night tasting because Bob was sick. We think his taste buds may be off tonight.

  1. Mercedes Eguren 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon   $8.99
    Kara: “Smells good.”
    Bob: “Interesting smell. Plum? flavor.”
    Mike: “Full flavor. A fruit in there.”
    Kara: “It is fruity. Bland.”
    Becky: “It’s good but there’s not a lot of flavor.”
    Karen: “Drinkable.”
    Becky: “A pleasant wine.”
    Bob 7, Karen 6.5, Mike 7, Becky 8, Kara 6

  2. Marsannay Lovis Latour 2009 France    $17.99
    Karen: “It’s lighter in color.”
    Bob: “Very berry.”
    Mike: “A light red. A rose colored wine.”
    Kara: “I don’t like the smell.”
    Karen: “It’s like a cherry lozenge.”
    Bob: “It tastes like soda.”
    Kara: “Yea. Where’d the carbonation come from? I’m not a fan.”
    Karen: “It’s a little bit dry. I don’t smell anything. Oh! You really have to smell deep. Earthy.”
    Kara: “Fungi.”Karen: “I have never had a fruity wine that’s dry.”
    Bob 4, Karen 4, Mike 4, Becky 4, Kara 3.5

  3. Mas Donis Barrica 2008 Spain   $12.99
    Becky: “Nice dark color.”
    Kara: “It smells like feet.”
    Becky: “More flavor.”
    Karen: “Dry.”
    Mike: “Solid. Color good. Has a good taste.”
    Karen: “Is it a smoky taste? It’s really good with the Dubliner cheese.”
    Note: Karen cuts fat cheese
    Karen: “I will never cut the cheese again.”
    Bob: “It’s Friday. We’re off our game. I’m recovering.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 7, Kara 7

  4. Chateau Martinens 2006 France   $29.99
    Becky: “Very dry.”
    Karen: “Dry. I like this one.”
    Kara: “A distinct after taste.”
    Bob: “It’s an ear hurter.”
    Karen: “Smoother after the duck (pourer).”
    Karen: “It’s almost too dry. It’s a little bitey. I don’t like bitey.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 6, Kara 6

We're 'L'oving these European reds!

Thursday, January 26, 2012
‘L’ Night at Bob & Karen’s

  1. Château Lousteauheuf Méddoc 2009, France   $20.99
    Karen: “Oh. This smells really good!”
    Becky: “Velvetty.”
    Karen: “It tastes better than it smells!”
    Bob: “Mellow.”
    Mike: “There’s a part I don’t like. Maybe it’s something I ate.”
    Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 6, Becky 8

  2. Lan Rioja Reserva 2005, Spain   $16.99
    Karen: “This has a pretty color.”
    Bob: “It has a different smell. Sweeter. I have the hiccups.”
    Bob: “That’s good! Maybe it’s the cheese. The Mealeys can’t have 2 good wines in one night!”
    Mike: “More berry.”
    Karen: “Doesn’t have much smell.”
    Bob: “It’s easy. An easy wine. I’m easy. I’m just like this wine!”
    Karen: “More tart than the 1st one.”
    Becky: “This smells really good.”
    ***A question arose as to the rules on changing the ranking*** No decision.
    Bob 8, Karen 7.5, Mike 7.5, Becky 8

  3. Féret – Lambert Grand vin de Bordeaux 2009, France  $17.99
    Becky: “Doesn’t smell as good as the 1st two.”
    Karen: “The smell isn’t as strong.”
    Bob: “More tannins.”
    Karen: “Has a bite. Love the fore-taste.” (Bob…Fore-play?)
    Karen: “Love the beginning taste, but when the bite comes I don’t like it. This isn’t my fave. It has nice legs, though.”
    Becky: “The gams are nice?”
    Karen: “What’s a gam?”
    Becky: “It has the iron after taste.”
    Mike: “This one is definitely dry.”
    Bob: “I’m disappointed in the crackers. Foo-foo crackers.”
    Bob: “A weiner wacker wine.”
    Karen: “Not as tart as the 2nd one.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6

Three 'K's and you're out?

Thursday, January 19, 2012
‘K’ Night at Mike & Becky’s

Our category is “European Red Wines”, but we had trouble finding ‘K’s. So, since many Europeans moved to these countries......

  1. Kindzmarauli 2006 Kakheti, Georgia    $14.99
    Bob: “It either smells really good or I was really in the mood for wine.”
    Mike: “Tastes good. Sweet.”
    Jess: “Wicked sweet.”
    Becky: “Oh. That is a different taste, isn’t it?”
    Karen: “It’s really sweet. My brother would like this one!”
    Jess: “Cranberry-ish.”
    Becky: “I can’t put a name on that taste.”
    Bob: “It’s a ‘Bob’ taste because it tastes good.”
    Sean: “Fruity with a little vinegar.”
    Sean: “I don’t know if I like this or not!”
    Karen: “I can tell you I don’t like it.”
    Sean: “Then I have to like it.”
    Bob 6 (was a 7.5 before the 2nd glass that had a lot of sediment), Karen 2, Mike 7, Becky 5, Jess 6.5, Sean 6.5

  2. Kanonkop Kadette 2009 South Africa   $15.94
    Karen: “This is better.”
    Bob: “Hmmm. Interesting. It’s starting as a 2 – it will have to work its way up.”
    Bob: “Not good after a grape. Becky, were you setting me up?”
    Becky: “I’m not really liking this one. But it’s not sweet.”
    Mike: “Three K’s and you’re out!”
    Becky: “Good after muenster.”
    Karen to Mike: “You have to stop going overboard the night before wine night.”
    Mike: “Damn.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 6, Jess 7 with muenster cheese

  3. Korta 2007 Gran Reserva – Lontue Valley Sagrada Familia. Chile  $14.99
    Karen: “Ewww” (her face said it all)
    Jess: “Did we strike out?”
    Karen: “This isn’t European, is it?” (No…It’s Europoopin)
    Jess: “I like it. It’s not that bad. I don’t think the cheese makes a difference.”
    Bob: “Bitter.”
    Mike: “It has a bite.”
    Bob 5, Karen 1, Mike 5, Becky 5, Jess 5

'J'ump for 'J'oy!! Excellent wines!

Thursday, January 12, 2012
‘J’ Night at Karen & Bob’s

Menu: Cheese, crackers, salami, tortilla chips from Pasta & Co, Veggies.
A&W Root beer à Robert: “A nice vanilla flavor, more pleasant. No bark bite.”

  1. JP Azeitâo tintu Portugal 2008    $8.99
    Mike: “First reaction – Fruity.”
    Karen: “Doesn’t have a bad smell. Deep berry. (tastes) That’s interesting.”
    Bob: “That’s berry not bury. That’s why we drink them in socks – because people crush the grapes with their feet.”
    Becky: “It kind of fizzes when it hits your tongue.”
    Becky: “It has Braille on the label!”
    Mike: “Let me see!”
    Bob: “It’s a good feeling wine.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 7

  2. El Jamon Crianza 2006, Spain   $12.99
    Karen: “Interesting smell.”
    Becky: “Interesting taste. It’s a mocha/coffee smell. Smooth.”
    Mike: “Deep color. Better. Not as fruity.”
    Karen: “This one is drier.”
    Bob said it’s okay
    Becky: “Layers.
    Bob had a cold so it all tasted the same to him. He needed to lubricate his throat
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8, Jess 7.5

  3. Jual Gil 2009 (repeat!!)  $15.99
    Becky: “This is a heavy bottle.”
    Jess: “Drier.”
    Mike: “Darker color. Drier. Nice smell.”
    Karen: “Not good after salami.”
    Becky: “It’s good after swiss.”
    Bob 5, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8, Jess 8

'I' Love Red Wine! The 'I's have it tonight!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012
‘I’ Night at Becky & Mike’s

I LOVE raspberries! Karen brought over the fruit trays that she forgot to take to the funeral reception at church. She felt very bad about it, but I am happy.

  1. Izadi Reserva 2003, Villabuena de Alava, Spain $19.95

    Bob: “Smells good. Wow!”
    Becky: “I like it. It has lots of layers of flavors”
    Bob: “How about that – Not crap!”
    Karen: “Spicy”
    Wine socks to be made by Jessica. Should they be numbered?
    Kara needs to stop eating & start drinking.
    Becky & Jess like the wine after raspberries.
    Karen & Kara like it after blackberries.
    Mike: “Not good with ribs & BBQ sauce. Also, never put the Styrofoam plate too far into the oven when pulling out a rib.”
    Bob 7.5, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8, Kara 7.5, Bryan 7

  2. Coto de Imaz 2004, Spain  $23.99Bob: “Smells fruity.”
    Karen (as she wafts the smell up with her hand): “Not a lot of smell. This is one you could drink a ton of. No bite. The 2nd sip is better.”
    Jess: “Yes. More bold.”
    Becky: “Vanilla finish.”
    Mike: “Fruity taste. I wonder if it goes with ribs?”
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 7, Kara 6.5, Bryan 6.5

  3. Berco do Infante Reserva 2008, Lisboa Portugal  $9.99
    Karen: “Eww. Musty.”
    Kara: “Smells like it has been in a wet basement for a while.”
    Bob: “Smells like sweatpants.”
    Jess: “Why would you smell sweatpants?”
    Karen: “Smells like dirt. Earthy.”
    Kara: “Can we get in trouble for publicizing this?”
    Bob: “The poor vendor that created this.”
    Karen: “It doesn’t taste as bad as it smells.”
    Bryan: “I haven’t had sweatpants in years!”
    Robert: "I haven't smelled Bryan's sweatpants in a long time."
    Bob" What are these things?" (points at blackberries)
    "Blackberries" everyone shouted.
    "I like them," said Bob
    Karen: "The smell is so bad I have to hold my breath."
    Kara: "I don't want it."
    Becky: "It tastes better after cheese."
    Bryan: "It tastes bad."
    Kara: "Tastes the same as it smells."
    Jess: "It IS better after cheese."
    Kara: "Better after cheese, but still not good."
    Bob 3, Karen 3, Mike 3, Becky 3, Kara 2, Jess 4.5, Bryan 1

  4. Coto de Imaz Rioja 2004 (Repeat!! See #2) $22.00 (Karen got a discount!)

    Kara: "I hope I'm smelling something you're eating & not this."
    Karen: "It doesn't smell."
    Bob: "It has cleansed my palate. Fresh & inviting. A whirlwind of flavor."
    Jess: "Smooth."
    Karen: "Reminds me of the 1st one."
    Becky: "This is a good one to end on! The 3rd one not so much."
    Bob: "This is good."
    Mike: "Compared to the last one it's soothing."
    Bob: "It's almost as good as getting free peanuts."
    Karen: "It's really dry."
    Bob: "It's not dry."
    Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Jess 7.5, Kara 7.5,

'H' night with European Red Wines

Thursday, December 29, 2011
‘H’ Night

  1. Heredad Ugarte Crianza 2008, Spain $10.99
    Bob: “Smells good. It’s a good smeller.”
    Mike: “It’s good.”
    Stephen: “That garlic bread is strong!”
    Jess: “It’s a good strong smell.”
    Lauren: “Smells great.”
    Karen: “It smells so good I don’t want to drink it.”
    Dane: “Note bad”
    Becky: “Really good after garlic bread.”
    Bob 7.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 7, Sean 7, Lauren 6.5, Stephen 7, Dane 6, Claire 7, Carissa 3, Bryan 5, Caroline 8
  2. Herdade do Pombal 2006, Alentejo, Portugal $11.99
    Bob: “Not so much. Not in the league of the last one.”
    Mike: “Doesn’t smell as good as the 1st one.”
    Stephen: “I LIKE this one. Sweeter.”
    Becky: “Karen won’t like this one if it’s sweet.”
    Karen: “Fruity.”
    Jess: “Tangy.”
    Lauren: “Sour.”
    Bob: “Fizzy.”
    Dane: “Tastes cheap.”
    Mike: “Some kind of fizz. Sparkly.”
    Becky: “Fruity. Black cherry. Good with shrimp.”
    Bob 4, Karen 3, Mike 5, Becky 6.5, Jess 5.5, Sean 3, Lauren 5, Stephen 7.5, Dane 1, Claire 1, Carissa 1, Bryan 6, Caroline 3
  3. Les Tage Simon Haut – Médoc 2008, France  $20.99
    Karen: “Smells more like the 1st one.”
    Stephen: “This is also a bit fruity.”
    Mike: “Drier.”
    Sean: “Meh”
    Bob: “Low maintenance.”
    Becky: “Definitely drier than the 1st 2.”
    Karen: “Very, very dry.”
    Becky: “Not good after cookies.”
    Bob 6, Karen 5.5, Mike 6, Becky 6, Jess 5, Sean 5, Lauren 5, Stephen 5, Dane 8.5, Claire 6, Carissa 3, Bryan 6, Caroline 4
  4. Crozes – Hermitage 2007, France $24.99
    Caroline: “Smells bad.”
    Stephen: “Did you get the bottle with extra pulp?”
    Dane: “This is bad.”
    Lauren: “It looks milky.”
    Sean: “Looks like watermelon juice.”
    Karen:”It’s not that bad.” (and yet…look at her ranking!)
    Mike: “Definitely a tart taste at the end.”
    Jess: “A weird tartiness.”
    Becky: “Oh! That’s a surprise! Very tart!”
    Bob: “It tastes like cocktail sauce.”
    Stephen: “Smells entirely like alcohol.”
    Bob 2, Karen 1, Mike 4, Becky 2, Jess 1, Sean 4, Lauren 1, Stephen 4, Dane 1, Claire 2.5, Carissa 1, Bryan 1, Caroline 1

Monday, May 14, 2012

'G'ee! We found some 'G'ood European Reds!

Monday, December 26, 2011
‘G’ Night
 We had to postpone ‘G’ night because Karen was under the weather…Unfortunately that meant that Meghan had to miss out. Note: We had MANY guest tasters tonight hailing from New Zealand, South Africa and Florida. We had 8 different wines tonight due to the number of tasters (15 different tasters in all!). Nice!

  1. Chateau les Grands Maréchaux 2009 Red Bourdeaux France $??
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 6, Jess 5.5, Sean 3, Kara 2, Lauren 3, Stephen 3, Claire 4, Carissa 1, Miranda 5, Papi 6, Caroline 5
    Bob: “Sophia smells fresh.”
    Claire: “Tastes better than it smells.”
    Lauren: “I agree. It stinks.”
    Bob: “Smelled fresh, but finished stale.”
    Papi: “Nice lines. Not a bad taste.”
    Carissa: “Disgusting.” (blogger note: Carissa is not known for her wine drinking)
    Sean: “I’ve had better.”
    Karen: “Alcohol-y”
    Lauren: “If you don’t like it you need to take a big gulp.”
  2. Red Guitar – Old Vine – 2008 Spain $9.99
    Bob 6, Karen 4, Mike 6, Becky 6, Jess 6, Sean 3, Kara 5.5, Lauren 6, Stephen 5.5, Claire 5, Carissa 3, Miranda 6.5, Papi 5, Caroline 6
    Karen: “Oh, no. This is a Micheal one.”
    Papi: “No lines. Just a ridge.”
    Becky: “More fruity.”
    Lauren: “This is a lot better than the 1st one.”
    Papi: “I liked the first one better.”
    Carissa: “Better than the 1st one.”
    Karen: “Not a lot of flavor.”
  3. Chateau Guillon Nardou 2009 Bordeaux – Montagne St Emilion. France $??
    Bob 6.5, Karen 6.5, Mike 7, Becky 5.5, Jess 6, Sean 6, Kara 6.5, Caroline 7, Lauren 5.5, Stephen 6.5, Claire 6, Carissa 3, Miranda 4, Papi 7
    Karen: “It has a nice dark color. Mike, do you like this one? It’s dry.”
    Mike: “My taste buds are coming around.”
    Papi: “Nicer lines. I love the smell.”
    Bob: “Crispy.”
    Mike: “Cleaner taste.”
    Bob: “Oxi clean.”
    Kara: “I like this one the best so far.”
    Karen: “I like this one a lot.”
    Stephen: “Cleaner tasting.”
  4. Grou 2005 Cabeçāo, Portugal $25.99
    Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Jess 6, Sean 4, Kara 6, Lauren 4.5, Stephen 5.5, Claire 5, Carissa 4, Miranda 2, Papi 3.5, Caroline 3
    Becky: “Look at it!”
    Miranda: “I’m not sure. It’s weird. It makes my tongue feel funny.”
    Karen: “Oh, oh, What is that smell?”
    Papi: “It’s peppery. Smells like horse sh*t.”
    Bob: “Blue cheese. Dusty tongue.” (said in a dusty way)
    Kara: “A lot of sediment. Smells disgusting.”
    Carissa: “A lot of bits in it.” (a New Zealand phrase)
    Mike: “I’ll go with Carissa on that one. It’s getting hot in here.”
    Papi: “It IS getting warm.” (and that means a lot said by a Floridian in December)
    Mike: “A New Zealand wine from Europe.”
    Papi: “It has pepper in it.”
    Bob: “Even Miranda is stripping down now.” (just her sweater…) AND Karen took her sweatshirt off! She is never hot.
    Becky: “It’s dry.”
    Karen: “It’s very dry.”
    Becky: “I don’t think it smells that bad.”
    Lauren: “It’s not dry, it’s sour.”
    Bob: “Turf tongue.”
    Caroline: “It numbers my lips.”
    Miranda poured hers into Jess’s glass.  Becky made Miranda eat an m&m, then taste it again. Miranda said it tasted better that way, so upped her score to ‘2’.
    Karen: “My fave so far. Really clean.”
    Becky: “More flavor.”
  5. Juan Gil 2009 Spain $15.99
    Bob 3, Karen 6, Mike 5, Becky 8, Jess 7, Sean 3, Kara 6, Lauren 8, Stephen 4.5, Claire 2, Carissa 1, Miranda 7.5, Papi 8, Caroline 8
    Papi: “I like the smell. I like the taste. It doesn’t burn the back of my throat.”
    Karen: “Vanilla.”
    Becky: “Definitely smooth.”
    Lauren: “It actually tastes like wine.”
    Claire: “Spicy.”
    Bryan: “She’s wrong apparently”
    Sean is sleeping
    Miranda: “Sean went like this…’shudder’…”
    Becky: “Red velvet cake.”
    Karen: “Soft.”
    Stephen: “Attacks the taste buds with an axe.”
    Kara: “It has pepper in it. I like it though.”
    Papi: “I tried it with a meatball. Good with food.”
    Jess: “A really good drinking wine.”
    Miranda: “I would buy this one.”
    Caroline: “I hope it has a really cute name. I like this one.”
  6. Gérard Bertrand 2009 Corbières, France $13.59
    Bob 8, Karen 7, Mike 5, Becky 4.5, Jess 5, Bryan 5, Kara 6, Lauren 6, Stephen 6, Claire 5.5, Carissa 4, Miranda 6.5, Papi 3.5, Caroline 4
    Papi: “Sour. Makes your tongue shrivel.”
    Karen: “It doesn’t have many legs. Thin tasting. Not a lot of body/taste. Very dry.”
    Stephen: “Team player. Not an All-Star.”
    Carissa: “Better than the other one.”
    Becky: “It has an iron after taste.”
    Kara: “Dad has lost his taste!”
  7. Juan Gil – THIS IS A REPEAT!!!! We didn’t aerate this one….check out the different scores!
    Bob 5, Karen 2, Mike 5, Becky 2, Jess 5, Bryan 2, Kara 3.5, Lauren 4, Stephen 4, Claire 4, Carissa 1, Miranda 1.5, Papi 2, Caroline 2
    Karen: “Miranda’s face is all smooshed.”
    Miranda: “Tastes like dirty socks.”
    Karen: “This is the smell I don’t like. I can’t describe it. Musty or something.”
    Mike: “Bob’s being a tart again.”
    Bob: “I’m a tart.”
    Caroline: “Don’t eat with it.”
    Karen: “Mike, this is the one I’m always going to give to you” she said as she pours hers into his glass.
    Bob: “This isn’t bad.”
    Karen: “Musty.”
    Bob: “Mothballs.”
    Karen: “No”
    Bryan: “I drank it all because I wanted to get rid of it.”
    Becky: “Oh! It is tart! Ewww!”
    Papi: “I don’t like it.”
    Caroline: “This is bad.”
  8. Chateau Petit Bois La Garelle 2007 Bourdeux France $35.99
    Becky: “Smells like a chlorine pool.”
    Karen: “An attic. No, a damp musty basement!”
    Miranda: “It’s bad.”
    Jess: “Smooth when it goes down. A good wine when you have a cold.”
    Miranda (while looking at Becky): “She’s Popeye the Sailor Man.”
    Mike (as he holds his nose): “No taste when you plug your nose.”
    Karen: “I think it’s a bad bottle.”

Saturday, April 7, 2012

'F' is for Fine wines from France, Portugal and Spain

Thursday December 15, 2011
‘F’ at Bob and Karen’s
We had 3 guest tasters this evening: Kara from St. Francis, Claire from South Africa, and Carissa from New Zealand. Carissa gave up after the first 2 wines. She is still developing her palate.

  1. A Fuga – Ribeira Sacra Denominacion de Orixe Spain $15.99
    Karen: “Doesn’t smell bad. Fruity.”
    Claire: “I like it. It’s not dry. Delicious.”
    Bob: “Sparkly.”
    Mike: “A Christmas sparkle.”
    Becky: “Like a fruit punch.”
    Karen: “It’s almost fizzy. Not what I was expecting.”
    Kara: “Fruity. I don’t like the smell. Not dry.”
    Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 7, Becky 6, Kara 2, Claire 7

  2. Chateau de Flaugergues 2007 France $21.99
    Claire: “This one is darker.”
    Karen: “Not a lot of smell.”
    Bob: “Mild smell.”
    Claire: “It smells like something I’m not going to like.”
    Bob: “Nice!”
    Mike: “Drier.”
    Claire: “Yeah. That’s the problem.”
    Mike: “Karen will rank this one higher.”
    Becky: “This tastes more like wine, not ‘punchy’ like the lst one”
    Bob 7, Karen 6.5, Mike 6.5, Becky 6, Kara 7, Claire 4.5, Carissa 1

    ****Christmas Music was playing in the background…Kara held a note for LONG time…much to everyone’s distress******

  3. Herdade Fonte Paredes – Cabernet Sauvignon Aragoñes 2005 Portugal $17.99 Bob: “Lively”
    Karen: “Smells bad”
    Mike: “Mellow”
    Kara: “What is that smell? Garbage?”
    Claire: “It burns your nose if you inhale a lot. And, it tastes like it smells!”
    Mike: “It tastes BETTER than it smells.”
    Bob: It has a good flavor, though.”
    Kara: “I don’t like the smell, but I like the taste.
    Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 6.5, Becky 6.5, Kara 6, Claire 4

  4. Chateau La Fleur Haut Carras 20098 Red Bourdeaux France $35.99
    Mike: “A Karen wine”
    Karen: “This is AWESOME!”
    Claire: “I think if I had had this one first I wouldn’t like it. But I Like it!”
    Kara: “It’s like bread in the oven.”
    Karen: “Oh my gosh, this is SO much mine!”
    Claire: “This isn’t dry is it? I like it!” Note: Claire does not typically like dry wines
    Bob to Claire: “Do you have any idea what your taste buds are?!?”
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7, Kara 8, Claire 6.5

'E' is for some Excellent Spanish wines!

Thursday December 8, 2011
‘E’ with Becky and Mike
Note: While at BigY Becky ran into Cindy, who gave her a delicious Kielbasa recipe to serve. Thanks Cindy!

  1. Erudito 2009 Rioja Spain $9.99
    Karen: “Peppery.”
    Becky: “The way I like it.”
    Bob: “I like this one.”
    Jess: “The kick comes at the end.”
    Mike couldn’t taste much because of his prior night work event.
    Bob 8, Karen 7.5, Mike 8, Becky 8, Jess 7.5

  2. Ergo – Tempranillo. Rioja 2009 Spain $11.99
    Karen: “Smells better than the first one. Oooh. The first taste was a surprise.”
    Bob: “Damn. I forgot to taste the wine after the pepperjack cheese…the cheese mellowed the taste of the wine.”
    Becky: “Good after wheat thins and pretzels.”
    Bob: “Good God man! Mike what were you thinking, drinking the night before. You need to prepare.”
    Karen: “I like it best after the pretzel. The wheat things had a sweet taste.”
    Karen: “This is drier. That’s why I like it.”
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 7

  3. Evodia 2010 Altovinum Spain $11.99
    Bob: “Not the best smell.”
    Becky: “What is that smell? Like a cleaner.”
    Bob: “Windex.”
    Mike: “Ewww.”
    Jess: “I think it’s not what dad says.”
    Bob: “Not so much.”
    Jess: “I don’t think it’s so bad.”
    Karen: “I’m not drinking it. I don’t want it.” (poured hers into Bob’s glass)
    Jess: “It’s worse after pretzels.”
    Becky: “I don’t like it.” (poured hers into Bob’s glass)
    NOTE: This wine was highly recommended at the Wine Store
    Bob 3, Karen 1, Mike 3, Becky 2, Jess 4.5

'D' Night - Spain and France this week!

Thursday December 1, 2011
‘D’ hosted by Karen and Bob

Note: Beef stew was on the menu. Yum!

  1. Dehesa La Granja – Alejandro Fernandez 2004 Spain $19.99
    Bob: “Fresh smell. Fruity.”
    Mike: “It is a fruit.”
    Karen: “It’s like raspberries.”
    Mike: “Something along that line. Not raspberry.”
    Becky: “There’s a little tartness to it.”
    Karen: “It gets better with every sip.”
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 6*, Becky 6 *may change

  2. Chateau D’Avensan Haut-Médoc 2005 France $12.99
    Karen: “This one doesn’t have much smell.”
    Mike: “Mellow. Easy to drink.”
    Becky: “An iron aftertaste.”
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 5.5

  3. Georges Deboeuf. Mogon – Red Burgundy Wine – France 2009 $15.99
    Bob: “Ewww.”
    Mike: “Balsamic Vinagrette.”
    Bob: “I agree with Mike. Make it a double. Dusty. Dry. Tastes awful. This isn’t a good face – Do you see it?”
    Becky almost spit her wine out looking at Bob’s face.
    Becky: “Very dry. A Karen wine.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 5.5

  4. Ribera del Duero 2004 Viña Mayor Reserva Product of Spain $23.99
    Bob: “Hmm. Mild.”
    Mike: “Milder than the last one.”
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 6