Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Scrumptious "S" wines at the Shore!!

The Invitation:
Sanguine Sojourners, Set Sail for Some Scrumptiously Sizzling Sustenance that will Satiate Somatic Sensations with Surfeit Salvers of Scorched and Steaming Sinew. If you are Sufficiently Skilled, Several Selections of Seasoned vinum (la.) can be Sipped, Slurped, Swilled, Swigged or Simply Sucked down; Surely a Sobering Sentiment for Some.

Selected Sentient Sapiens will Savor the Samples of Sangiovese, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and other Super Tuscans. With Specific Sensitivity, Style and Sophistication these oίνος (gre.) will be Scaled Sequentially, Singling out the Superior Star.

So, your Solemn Sommelier Suggests that you Sally forth and Set your bearings SSE to North Stonington to Summit the Season in Splendid Style.

Wine #1: Pure Dawn Sake Shimzu-No-MAI
Tasting comments:
Charlie “Drinkable”
Andy “Overtones of Nyquil”
Mike “Good”
Bob “Very dry; creamy finish”
Karen “Floral”
Sean “Sweet”
Becky “Light”
Bryan “A lot smoother than I thought it would be”
Linda “Not as bad as I thought”
Ariel “Not for me”
Robert “Tastes like rice wine”
Wayne “Apple and pear taste”
Robert “Very light”

Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 8, Becky 7, Andy 6, Elizabeth 5, Wayne 7.5, Linda 6.5, Charlie 7, Dee Dee 6.5,  Jessica 7, Sean 6,  Bryan 6.5, Robert 7.5, Josh 7, Alicia 6.5, Ariel 6, Dave 7.5

Wine #2:  Snoqualmie 2011 Chardonnay Columbia Valley
Tasting comments:
Becky “A buttery after taste”
Karen “The soup changes the flavor of the wine.”
Alicia “I like the wine and the soup*”  (*Cantaloupe Soup with ginger)
Jenn “I like it. I don’t drink much wine.”
Elizabeth “Crisp with a hint of sweetness”
Bryan “Smells bad. Tastes plain.”
Dee Dee “Smooth and light”

Charlie “Oaky and crisp”
Dave “Tastes like it has pear in it”
Linda “Tastes better as you drink it”
Wayne “Crisp with an oak finish”
Andy “Smooth and Simple”

Bob 6.5, Karen 6, Mike 6.5, Becky 6.5, Andy 7.5, Elizabeth 7, Wayne 6, Linda 5, Charlie 8, Dee Dee 7,  Jessica 6, Sean 4,  Bryan 4.5, Robert 6.5, Josh 6.5, Alicia 7, Ariel 8, Dave 4, Jenn 7.5

Wine #3:  Sancerre Cuvee Vieilles vignes 2013 Alfio Moriconi Selection
Tasting comments:
Bryan “Better than the last one”
Elizabeth “Stronger flavor. The jury is out on the scoring.”
Jessica “Crisp”
Becky “A little tart”
Jenn “Not a fan”
Ariel shook her head no
Alicia “The best wine yet”
Linda “I don’t like it. A tart taste.”
Wayne “A palate cleansing wine. Astringent.”
Josh “I’m glad I held back on the last rating because this is better quality than the last one”
Robert “A fuller taste”
Sean “Not okay”
Andy “Light and fruity”
Dee Dee “Dry finish”
Charlie “Clean and fresh”
Bob “Refreshing and gone!”
Karen “Tart and dry”
Mike “Light. Dry at the end. Fair.”

Bob 7.5, Karen 4, Mike 5.5, Becky 6, Andy 8, Elizabeth 5.5, Wayne 8, Linda 5, Charlie 6, Dee Dee 6.5,  Jessica 7, Sean 3,  Bryan 8.5, Robert 7, Josh 7.5, Alicia 7.5, Ariel 5, Dave 8, Jenn 4

Wine #4:  2008 Brunello di Montalcino - Scopone
Tasting comments:
Bryan “It’s so dark. Really dark.”
Andy “Inky”
Ariel made a nauseated face and said “I almost spit it out. It feels like I was drinking cotton.”
Dee Dee “I like the darkness”
Elizabeth “I like this. I made need more!” (Said by one of the designated drivers)
Becky “Very dry on the tongue”
Bob “Who needed a definition of an 8 or higher? You’re drinking it!
Ariel “You mean the cotton I’m drinking?”
Bob “It’s a good red wine if you can blow the dust off of it”
Charlie “I give the lasagna a 10!”
Linda “Fantastic. Smooth.”
Dave “Drinkable. As in Drinkable as an 8.5 to 9”
Charlie “Full bodied. Blackberry flavored. Smooth finish.”
Josh “I don’t mind. I like it. It’s pretty scrumptious. Good pairing with the food.” (Note: this is coming from a non- red wine drinker)
Alicia “Four sips was enough”
Wayne “A full bodied, full structured, even tannins wine. An excellent presentation of the craft.”
Jessica “Full tasting”
Mike “Great color. Great tannins. Great legs.”
Bob “I’m going to marry this wine”
Elizabeth “Smooth. Bordering on Sensational.”
Dee Dee “Excellent!”
Karen “Awesome!”
Alicia “I would recommend this for my parents”

Bob 9, Karen 9.5, Mike 7, Becky 8.5, Andy 9, Elizabeth 8.5, Wayne 9.5, Linda 9, Charlie 7, Dee Dee 9,  Jessica 8, Sean 7.5,  Bryan 8, Robert 7.5, Josh 8, Alicia 4.5, Ariel 5, Dave 8.5, Jenn 5

Wine #5:  Casa Sant’Orsola Brachetto D’Acqui
Tasting comments:
Wayne “This is from…”
Andy “Kmart?”
Wayne “No…Italy”
Mike “I don’t see any legs on this one”
Wayne “You won’t”
Jessica “Tastes like the Shades of Risque”
Wayne “It’s supposed to leave my guests with a happy smile”
Ariel “Berry tasting”
Wayne “Would be good with vanilla ice cream”
Becky “Very sweet”
Karen gave hers to Mike
Sean “Tastes like carbonated jelly”
Jenn “It does!”
Elizabeth “Tastes like grape champagne”
Wayne “Wonderful raspberry taste”
Linda “A little too fruity and sweet”
Josh “It would go great with a dollop of gelato”
Dave “I agree”
Bob “Very sparkling. Too sweet.”

Bob 6, Karen 2, Mike 6, Becky 7, Andy 6, Elizabeth 6.5, Wayne 7, Linda 5, Charlie 3, Dee Dee 4,  Jessica 7, Sean 5,  Bryan 6.5, Robert 6.5, Josh 7.5, Alicia 7.5, Ariel 8.5, Dave 7.5, Jenn 7

Wine #6:  Sullivan Estate Grown 2006 Napa Valley 67% Cabernet Sauvignon
Tasting comments:
Linda “Tastes like the earth”
Wayne “If it tastes green to you, let it breath”
Dave “I was thinking dark cherries”
Elizabeth “The tannins are too strong for me”
Bob “Tastes like the Big Sour tart candies”

Wayne “The wine needs to breathe”
Linda “It’s a little tart”
Josh “A little bitter”
Dee Dee “Harsh”
Becky “Sour”
Wayne “Very disappointed”
Mike “The cake is excellent”

Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Andy 5, Elizabeth 5, Wayne 6.5, Linda 6.5, Charlie 6, Dee Dee 5,  Jessica 6.5, Sean 7,  Bryan 6.5, Robert 7, Josh 6, Alicia 5, Ariel 4, Dave 7, Jenn 6

Wine #7:  Vino Nobile Di Montepulciano 2009 Spalletti
Tasting comments:
Bryan “Great color. Smells good.”
Bob “A good one”
Robert “Full taste”
Dee Dee “Good”
Elizabeth “I think it’s Splendid”
Jessica “A great nose”
Becky “Very dry”
Dave “I would put this on the table with anything”
Linda “Dry. Good.”
Josh “Not bad”
Alicia made a face “I couldn’t even take a real sip”
Dee Dee “I like it a lot. Dry finish but not too dry.”
Wayne “A full mouth of wine. A good drinking wine. Suitable for any table.”
Charlie “Black cherry. Sharp finish.”

Bob 6.5, Karen 8, Mike 6, Becky 7.5, Andy 8.5, Elizabeth 8.5, Wayne 8, Linda 6.5, Charlie 8, Dee Dee 8,  Jessica 7, Sean 7.5,  Bryan 7.5, Robert 8.5, Josh 6.5, Alicia 5, Dave 7.5

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