Our "Scoring System"

A note about what our scores mean:
5 - Wine your kids buy for you
6 - Would drink. Jug wine. Good for parties and your kids!
7 and above - Good for ANYTHING. Would recommend to friends. The higher the better!

And for PAIRINGS the scores mean:
0 = Wine tastes best alone
1 = Wine tastes best with food #1
2 = Wine tastes best with food #2

About Me

My photo
This blog started because we needed a tenor in the church choir... Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter, and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking. I decided to write down our scores so that we would know which wines we liked the best....then was "forced" into writing a blog so that we could share our "finds" with our friends. So, enjoy!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

'Y' and 'Z' round out the 'ABC' Cab tastings...with another Top 10!

Thursday October 20, 2011
‘Y and Z’ with Bob & Karen
Bob & Karen were in charge of ‘Y’ and Mike & Becky were in charge of ‘Z’

  1. Baron Herzog 2008 Central Coast, CA $20.99
    Okay, I know, it doesn’t start OR end with Z…but it DOES have a Z in the name..and it’s DELICIOUS!
    Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8
    Karen: “Doesn’t have a lot of smell. Dry, but not super dry. Nice legs.”
    Becky: “Smooth.”
    Bob: “Very good!”
    Mike: “I like it. Not good with salami.”

  2. Yellow Label Cab/Shiraz 2008 South Australia $9.34
    Bob 4, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 6
    Mike: “Very dark. Matches Bob’s shirt.”
    Karen: “Oooh. Smells good.”
    NOTE: Bob made a ‘sour’ face.
    Karen: “Smells so much better than it tastes. Fruity-like. Citrisy. Almost like sangria.”
    Becky: “It does taste citrusy!”
    Karen: “It’s like someone put an orange in. Unexpected taste. 2nd & 3rd sip much better.”

  3. ZD 2006 Napa Valley $49.99
    Bob 5, Karen 4, Mike 5, Becky 4.5
    Bob: “This is a ‘medium’. It doesn’t wow me or disappoint me.”
    Karen: “I don’t know what that taste is, but I don’t like it. This is what we tasted in New York. A lot of those had this taste. You don’t taste this in California wines at all. ‘Musty’? No!”
    Mike: “Oooh. First sip was bitter. Pass me some carrots please.”
    Bob: “Sawdust.”
    Karen: “No.”

'X' marks the spot..

Thursday October 13, 2011
‘X’ night with Becky & Mike
We were a little creative with the ‘X’s. Not many wines START with an X..so we said it was okay to END with an X

  1. Rex – Goliath
    Becky - Excellent value for the money
    Bob 7, Karen 6.5, Mike 6.5, Becky 7, Jess 6.5, Sean 8
    Sean: “I actually like this one!”
    Becky: “It smells spicy.”
    Karen: “It doesn’t taste spicy.”
    Becky: “It has a bite on the tongue.”
    Karen: “Not dry. More tart.”
    Bob: “Tangy.”

  2. X Xplorador Central Valley, Chile Carmenere 2008
    Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 4, Becky 5, Jess 5, Sean 3
    Karen: “I don’t know if I like the smell. Smells flowery.”
    Bob: “Big aroma.”
    Sean: “Smells weird. Like the bottom of a trash can.”
    Bob: “The taste is worse than the smell. The smell isn’t that bad.”

  3. Chamonix 2008 Wine of South Africa $21.99
    Bob 6, Karen 4.5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Jess 5.5, Sean 5
    Bob: “Weird. It smells even more than the last one. Dishwashing liquid.”
    Becky: “Smells like lotion.”
    Mike: “Not good after strawberries.”

  4. Frei Brothers Reserve 2008 AleXander Valley (I know…it didn’t start OR end with an X)
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 4, Becky 6, Jess 6, Sean 6
    Karen: “This smells better. Okay!”
    Becky: “A little spicy.”
    Bob: “It’s still bitey.”
    Mike: “It must be a dry wine.”
    Sean: “I don’t like the weird flavored wines.”

'W' night..and another Top Ten!

Thursday, October 6, 2011
‘W’ with Karen & Bob

  1. White Oak 2007 Napa Valley (a duplicate!) $23.99
    Bob 7.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Dane 6
    Bob: “Ooohh!”
    Mike: “Aaaahhh!”
    Becky: “Very smooth. No bite. I like the smell.”
    Dane: “Nyeh.”
    Bob: “Smooth. Tang-less. Mellow.”
    Karen: “Deep berry. Blackberry?”
    Mike: “Definitely mellow.”
    Dane: “Tastes watered down.”
    This one made the Top Ten as an 'O'!!

  2. Windsor Alexander Valley Sonoma 2007 $24.99
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6, Dane 7.5
    Karen: “I like this one better. It’s drier. Mike won’t like it.”
    Mike: “The after taste is different.”
    Dane: “I like it better.”
    (Karen: “He has a taste like mine.”)
    Becky: “I liked the 1st one better. There’s an odd tate.”Bob: “Not bad. Spicy. Tongue numbing.”

  3. Whitehall Lane 2007 Napa Valley $45.99
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 5, Dane 6
    Bob: “Ewww. That’s a different smell.”
    Karen: “Ewww. What is that smell?”
    Bob: “Garbage?”
    Karen: “Ewww. That isn’t the right word. It gets better.”
    Becky: “A weird after taste.”
    Mike: “A little sour.”
    Karen: “A little sweet.”

  4. Woodbridge 2009 Robert Mondavi $7.99
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 5, Becky 6, Dane 6.5
    Bob: “Smells like the last one. Is this the same wine?”
    Karen: “Not as pleasing.”
    Becky: “This wine is growing on me.”

'V' for Victory!

Thursday, September 22, 2011
‘V’ with Mike & Becky
A new guest “taster” arrives on the scene. Welcome Miranda!
One of the ‘V’ wines came from Cousin Frank and Pam who were travelling through CT in their RV

  1. Veramonte 2008 Reserva Colchagua Valley, Chile
    Bob 6.5, Karen 3, Mike 7, Becky 7, Miranda 7
    Bob: “Spicy”
    Karen: “Fizzy. I’m not liking it.”
    Miranda: “REminds me of a Christmas wine. I like it and I don’t usually like red wine.”
    Karen: “Better with cheese. I don’t like the smell.”
    Mike: “I like it.”
    Los Vascos 2009 Colchagua Valley, Chile Domaines Barons de Rothschild
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 5, Becky 5.5, Jess 5, Miranda 2.5
    Karen: “This one smells better. Not a lot of flavor. Very dry.”
    Miranda: “I don’t like this one. No spice. Too dry.”
    Jess: “Strong smell.”
    Mike: “Bland.”
    Bob: “Soul-less” (word provided by Kevin)
    Becky: “No bite.”

  2. Vinas Chilenas 2010 Valle Central (Trader Joe’s from Cousin Frank)
    Bob 4, Karen 1, Mike 4, Becky 1, Jess 4, Miranda 1
    Karen: “Pretty color.”
    Bob: “Fruity. Socks.”
    Becky: “Ick. Bad after taste. Old refrigerator.”
    Jess: “Bitter after taste. Initial taste I liked.”
    Becky poured hers into Karen’s glass, who then poured hers into Bob’s glass.
    Miranda poured hers into Mike’s glass.

  3. Viniterra Reserva 2008 Mendoza Argentina
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 5.5, Becky 6.5, Jess 6.5, Miranda 8
    Becky: “Cocoa/Coffee”
    Karen: “Mocha. A little bit dry.”
    Miranda: “I like this one. Velvetty.”
    Jess: “Smooth. I like Miranda’s word.”
    Bob: “I like the velvety comment, too. Smooth. Not a drinking wine.”
    Miranda: “More luxurious.”
    Jess: “Tasty.”

  4. Valdisanti Tenuta S. Giovanni 2007 Toscana Tolaini
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 3, Becky 7, Jess 7, Miranda 6.5
    Karen: “Smells good. Tastes really different. Very dry. 2nd sip better than the 1st.”
    Becky: “Very dry.”
    Bob: “Dry. Dusty almost. Dusty & Musty.”
    Jess: “Pretty good.”
    Miranda: “Pretty good. Smells good. A hint of spice.”

'U' won't believe how these wines taste...

Thursday, September 15, 2011
‘U’ with Karen & Bob

  1. Umbral de los Tiempos 2006 Mendoza, Argentina
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7
    Mike: “Smooth. Good so far.”
    Karen: “Very dry.”
    Becky: “I don’t think it’s that dry.”
    Bob: “Good outside in the wine tent. Feels like a picnic wine.”
    Karen: “Not, it’s a bit fuller than that.”

  2. Terra Unica Reserva 2002 Product of Spain $8.99
    Bob 6.5, Karen 3, Mike 7, Becky 6
    Bob: “Mild. Wow! A mild wow.”
    Mike: “Sweeter. Not as dry.”
    Karen: “I don’t like the smell. It tastes like it smells. What is that taste…clover, or something like that.”
    Bob: “I like this.”
    Karen pours hers into Mike’s glass.
    Bob: “You’re giving this to Mike? Mike only drinks the crap stuff!”

  3. Heredad Ugarte Crianza 2007 Product of Spain $10.99
    Bob 6.5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 5.5
    Karen: “Bob will like this one.”
    Bob: “Full bodied. A lot of tannins.”
    Mike: “After the herb cheese this is mild. I can’t even taste it.”

'T' them up! It's Time for more wine...and another Top Ten Pick

Friday September 2, 2011
‘T’ hosted by Mike & Becky
We had a guest taster visiting from Germany. Welcome Silke!

  1. Toasted Head Barrel Aged North Coast 2009 $11.99
    Bob 7, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 5.5, Jess 6.5, Sean 6.5, Meg 6, Ed 6, Silke 5
    Bob: “Nice. Fresh.”
    Becky: “A bit of a bite.”
    Karen: “Fruity. Tart. Like a Granny Smith apple.”
    Mike: “Definite bite at the back of it.”
    Silke: “A bit sour.”
    Sean: “Not bad.”
    Meg: “Smells good.”

  2. 337 Lodi 2008 $13.99
    Bob 7.5, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8.5, Jess 7.5, Sean 7, Meg 6, Ed 7, Silke 8
    Jess: “This one really attacks you.”
    Karen: “This one doesn’t have as much smell – but I really like it. Oh! I like this! Mike won’t. It’s very dry.”
    Bob: “No as ‘sauer’ as the last one.”
    Becky: “Smooth with a vanilla finish.”
    Sean: “If this wine had hair it would be a readhead. It comes after you.”
    Meg: “Mmmmm!”

  3. Turnbull 2006 $59.99!!
    Bob 6, Karen 5.5, Mike 6, Becky 5.5, Jess 6, Meg 5, Ed 5, Silke 5
    Silke: “Sour.”
    Mike: “This is a Karen wine.”
    Jess: “Karen won’t like this one as much as the 2nd one.”
    Karen: “Really, really sour!”
    Becky: “It makes me thirsty.”
    Bob: “It is sour.”

  4. Trapiche Malbec 2010 mendoza Argentina
    Bob 4, Karen 2, Mike 5, Becky 4, Jess 4, Meg 5, Ed 4, Silke 3
    Silke: “Eww. It smells sour.”
    Karen: “Eww. I’m not drinking it. I’m giving it to Mike.”
    Silke: “May be good for Sauerbraten.”

  5. Twisted 2009 California…a Big Jug for $19.79
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6.5, Jess 7, Meg 7.5, Ed 7, Silke 7
    Karen: “Very different than it smells. Sweet. Cherry.”
    Silke: “Smells sour but tastes sweet. Cherry.”
    Meg: “It’s good.”
    Meg: “Definitely dry.”
    Karen: “Like a piece of wood/cork.”

  6. The Sun 2008 California Red Wine
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 4, Becky 5.5, Jess 7.5, Meg 5.5, Ed 7, Silke 7

'S' Night: Some Super wine! And one of the top ten...

Thursday August 25, 2011
‘S’ hosted by Karen & Bob

  1. Black Stallion 2008 Napa Valley $19.99
    Bob 9, Karen 9, Mike 8, Becky 9, Lauren 9
    Bob: “Smells fantastic! That’s good.. psssst, taste..psst..tste.” (I didn’t know how to write the sound that Bob made)
    Becky: “Smells so good I don’t want to drink it. Mmmm! This is REALLY good!”
    Lauren: “If this is the cheap on I’m gonna really like it. Not strong at all.”
    Karen: “Dry. Dark berry taste.”
    Bob: “Pleasant. No bite. Really good.”
    Mike (with his stuffed nose): “I can’t taste anything. It’s a ten.”

  2. Slingshot 2007 Napa Valley $21.24
    Bob 6.5, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 7, Lauren 6.5
    Lauren: “Stronger than the last one.”
    Mike: “It has a bit.”
    Karen: “This has no smell. This isn’t bad. If we hadn’t had the other one first, I would like it. Not as smooth. Much more bitter.”
    Bob: “Slightly bitey.”

  3. Souverain 2008 North Coast $15.29
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7, Lauren 6 (because we’ve had worse)
    Karen: “Has more smell than the 2nd one.”
    Becky: “Harsh after M&M’s”
    Mike: “I like it better than the 2nd one.”
    Lauren: “This is a peppery one.”
    Karen: “It’s the chocolate. If you don’t have the chocolate, it’s not bad.”
    Bob: “Flavored. Not bad.”

  4. Simi 2007 Alexander Valley $19.99
    Bob 6, Karen 5.5, Mike 6, Becky 6, Lauren 6
    Lauren: “Smells funny.”
    Karen: “Smells good.”
    Lauren: “I smell booze in there.”
    Mike: “Mild. Look at those lines! Nice.”
    Karen: “Chocolate-y. Mocha. A bite.”
    Bob: “Bitey. I’m surprised how bitey it is compared to the Black Stallion.”

'R' you ready for more wine?

Friday, August 12, 2011
‘R’ hosted by Becky & Mike

  1. Rodney Strong 2008 Sonoma County $14.99
    Bob 7, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 8, Jess 7.5, Sean 7, Lauren 7, Stephen 7, Caroline 7, Don 7
    Karen: “Smells very nice.”
    Becky: “A bit of a bite.”
    Lauren: “This is good!”
    Karen: “Look at those legs! Thick legs.”
    Bob: “Goes well with pizza.”
    Mike: “Romantic. Round, red aromatic wine.”
    Stephen: “Romanic. Caesar drank this wine.”
    Sean: “Good.”
    Jess: “The taste sticks to the roof of my mouth.”

  2. Red Diamand 2008 Washington State Berry, Cherry, Toasty Oak $8.99
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 6, Jess 6.5, Lauren 5, Stephen 7.5, Caroline 7.5, Don 8
    Jess: “Fruitier than the last one. Less spicy. Juicier.”
    Stephen: “I like it better.”
    Caroline: “Not as heavy.”
    Karen: “Really berry. Not a good solid smell.”
    Mike: “Red berry.”

  3. Root: 1 2009 The Original Ungrafted Colchagua Valley, Chile $11.04
    Bob 5, Karen 4.5, Mike 5.5, Becky 4.5, Jess 4.5, Lauren 2, Stephen 5, Caroline 4, Don 1.5
    Karen: “Rodney had better legs. This one is watery.”
    Mike: “I have too.”
    Bob: “Eww.”

    Random question: What is the name of the Jetson’s robot? (Answer at bottom)

  4. Robert Hall 2008 Paso Robles
    Bob 4.5, Karen 5, Mike 5.5, Becky 4.5, Jess 5.5, Lauren 5, Stephen 5, Caroline 5, Don 6
    Karen: “Ooh. That’s a weird smell.”
    Bob: “It’s odiferous.”
    Mike: “A solid wine. Red.”
    Stephen: “A ‘run of the mill’ wine.”
    Don: “Not fantastic. But it’s good. It’s fake oak. Foak.”

  5. BV – Rutherford 2008 Napa Valley $25.49
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 6.5, Jess 6, Lauren 6, Stephen 6, Caroline 6.5, Don 6
    Lauren: “Really dark color.”
    Becky: “Legs are nice.”
    Jess: “Smooth.”
    Bob: “Fruity.”
    Karen: “Not as bad a ‘fruity’ as the other one.”

  6. Robert Mondavi 2009
    Caroline: “I don’t like this one at all. Musty.”
    Sean: “No character.”
    Jess: “A 7 after jerky. A 6 before jerky.”

    Answer to the random question above: “Rosie” A perfect question for ‘R’ night.
    Jessica was the winner…

Quality Q's!! They are quite good!

Friday August 5, 2011
‘Q’ hosted by Karen & Bob
Special “tasting” guests from Florida
Bob: “The quest for Qs was a quandary, but we quenched our query because we’re qualified.”
Karen: “I was annoyed.”
Stephen: “Were you in a quandary?”
Bob: “Maybe you had a quiver.”

  1. Quatro 1999 Mont Gras Reserva Colchagua Valley, Chile $17.99
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 7, Lauren 6, Stephen 6.5, Dane 6.5, Nicole 7, Kara 6, Sean 6.5, Caroline 7, Don a.k.a. Papi 7.5
    Becky: “Smells like twizzlers.”
    Lauren: “Mild. Not dry.”
    Becky: “Smooth.”
    Karen: “Not bitey or oakey. Berry.”
    Sean: “Not bad.”

  2. Quickfire Napa Valley 2005 Top Chef selection $21.99
    Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8, Lauren 7, Stephen 6, Kara 7, Dane 8.5, Nicole 7.5, Sean 7, Caroline 7.5, Papi 9
    Papi: “A very queeny smell.”
    Bob: “That’s kind of queer.”
    Becky: “Quite velvety. I can feel it in my nose.”
    Dane: “Quizzle. Quality wine.”

  3. Quinta da Bacalhoa 2005 Portugal $34.99
    Bob 6.5, Karen 8.5, Mike 6, Becky 7, Lauren 5, Stephen 8, Kara 7.5, Dane 7.5, Nicole 8, Sean 6, Caroline 5, Papi 5
    Caroline: “I liked the last one better. This one is heavier.”
    Karen: “It even tastes better than it smells!”
    Kara: “Ooohh! I could drink this again!”
    Karen: “Mike, you won’t like this one. It’s dry.”
    Lauren: “My tongue is fuzzy. Too strong for me.”
    Mike: “It ahs the best label.”
    Karen: “I like the dry.”

Saturday, January 14, 2012

'P' is passable...The company was Perfect!

Friday July 22, 2011
‘P’ hosted by Mike & Becky
Special guests Ruthie and Don from choir….Ruthie knew we were on ‘P’ and she had one!!
Special guest Claire (from South Africa) returns

  1. Peirano Estate 2008 Lodi, CA
    Bob 5, Karen 4, Mike 7, Becky 5.5, Jess 5.5, Kara 5, Claire 5, Ruthie 4, Don 8
    Bob: “Soap smell. Blank.”
    Kara: “Musty.”
    Jess: “Strong after taste.”
    Mike: “Solid, bold after taste. I like this one.”
    Karen: “I don’t like the smell. Tastes okay.”

  2. Pitch 2008 Columbia Valley $15.29
    Bob 6, Karen 6.5, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 8, Kara 6.5, Claire 8, Ruthie 9, Don 8 – A ‘dry’ 8
    Karen: “Smells better.”
    Jess: “A lot smoother than the last one.”
    Bob: “Basic.”
    Claire: “Didn’t bite me.”
    Becky: “I smell vanilla. Smooth.”
    Ruthie: “Great aroma & bouquet.”

  3. Parducci 2007 Mendocino County – Family Farmed
    Bob 6.5, Karen 4, Mike 6, Becky 5, Jess 5.5, Kara 2, Claire 4, Ruthie 7, Don 8.5
    Ruthie: “Bolder. Full bodied. I’d like a steak with this one.”
    Bob: “Bitter”
    Karen: “Like ginger or peppermint. Unexpected. Bad after cucumbers. Good after cheese.” Mike: “Not good with strawberries.”

  4. Patriots Chile 2008 Gran Reserva Maipo Valley $18.20
    Bob 6, Karen 7.5, Mike 4.5, Becky 7, JEss 6, Kara 6, Claire 5, Ruthie 8, Don 8
    Karen: “Dry. Peppery.”
    Becky: “Definitely drier. I feel it in my nose.”
    Bob: “Balanced.”
    Ruthie: “I like the color. Bold. I like the aroma.”
    Mike: “I don’t like it.”
    Jess: “The smell attacks you.”
    Claire: “Give me a piece of bread. My mouth is on fire!”

  5. Primus 2007 Veramonte, Chile $16.28
    Bob 3, Karen 2, Mike 4.5, Becky 3, Jess 4, Kara 2, Claire 4, Ruthie 2, Don 7.5
    Bob: “Is that Pre-miss or Pre-piss. Tastes like socks. Blah. Crap.”
    Kara: “Smells like fish”
    Karen: “It doesn’t smell like fish, but I don’t like it.”
    Becky: “It smells like the bar after it closes.”
    Kara: “Yeah!! Stale beer!”
    Mike: “Dry at the end.”
    Ruthie: “Tastes like alcohol.”
    Jess: “Strong smell.”

  6. Little Penguin a Big bottle for only $10.99!
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 5, Jess 6.5, Kara 6.5, Ruthie 5, Don 8.5
    Karen: “A good drinking wine. Mike will like it. A little too sweet for me.”
    Ruthie: “Fruity. Sweeter”
    Bob: “Boisterous.”
    Mike: "Better than the last one by far.”

'O' my goodness! Another Top Ten cabernet!

Thursday June 30, 2011
‘O’ hosted by Bob & Karen

  1. Black Opal 2009 South Eastern Australia
    Bob 4, Karen 2, Mike 4, Becky 3, Lauren 5, Kara 2, Dane 2
    Karen: “Smells like paint. I don’t like this. I don’t think I’m going to drink it.”
    Bob: “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
    Kara: “Smells like spackle.”

  2. Opera Prima 10 - Produce of Spain
    Bob 5, Karen 4, Mike 4, Becky 4, Lauren 3, Kara 2.5, Dane 3
    Mike: “Fruity. Like black currants.”
    Lauren: “I don’t like this one. Watery.”
    Karen: “Fruity.”
    Bob: “Juicy. Body-less.”

  3. Oberon 2008 Napa Valley
    Bob 6.5, Karen 6.5, Mike 5, Becky 5.5, Lauren 4, Kara 6.5, Dane 7
    Karen: “Oakey. Dry. Woody.”
    Bob: “I like it woody. Lots of tannins.”
    Dane: “Best one of the night so far.”
    Becky: “Smells like citronella. Dry.”

  4. Le Serre Nuove dell Ornellaia 2008 Bolgheri $63!!!!!
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 5, Becky 6.5, Lauren 4, Kara 6, Dane 5
    Mike: “Strong taste.”
    Karen: “Less woody than the last one.”
    Kara: “I don’t like the smell, but I like the taste.”
    Bob: “Different. Woody.”

  5. White Oak 2007 Napa Valley
    Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7, Lauren 8, Kara 8, Dane 7
    Mike: “I like the smell.”
    Bob: “Fresh and satisfying smell.”
    Karen: “A bit of a bite.”
    Becky: “Vanilla”

Nice! a'N'other one makes the top ten

Saturday June 25, 2011
‘N’ hosted by Mike & Becky

  1. Newman’s Own 2009 California, Napa Valley
    Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 6, Becky 5.5, Jess 6, Meg 6
    Meg:”Smells really good. Nice legs. Not overly heavy. Tangy.”
    Bob: “Refreshing.”
    Karen: “I don’t think this smells good. No bite.”
    Becky: “Fruity after taste. Good with strawberries.”
    Mike: “I like it. Lots of lines.”

  2. Napa Cellars 2008 Napa Valley
    Bob 7.5, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 7, Meg 7, Ed 6
    Karen: “I like this smell much better.”
    Bob: “Clarity. I’m feeling it.”
    Meg: “It’s kind of nutty.”
    Mike: “Dark color.”
    Karen: “A lot better.”
    Bob: “I’m a fan of this one.”
    Mike: “Better with the bread.”
    Jess: “Pretty smooth.”
    Ed: “It’s all right.”

  3. Ninety Cellars 2007 Lot 22 Columbia Valley, Washington
    Bob 7.5, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Jess 6.5, Meg 8, Ed 7
    Karen: “Smells woody.”
    Becky: “Smells smoky.”
    Meg: “The sharper cheese goes best with this one.”
    Jess: “Stronger than the last one. More woody.”

  4. Newton 2008 Napa County
    Bob 5.5, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6.5, Jess 5.5, Meg 6.5, Ed 5
    Bob: “Airy. Not a favorite.”
    Karen: “Very woody smell.”
    Karen: “Oh yum! Awesome. Really awesome!”
    Becky: “I love the smell. Tastes watery.”

    Night Harvest – California – Woodbridge
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 5, Jess 5, Sean 5, Meg 6, Ed 5
    Jess: “I would drink it for drinking.”
    Sean: “It’s all right.”
    Meg: “Yum”
    Karen: “A good jug wine. A drinking wine.”
    Bob: “Okay.”
    Black Currant. Black Cherry.

'M's are Mighty good!

Thursday June 9, 2011
“M” hosted by Bob & Karen

  1. Meridian 2008 Napa, CA
    Bob 7.5, Karen 8, Mike 7, Becky 8 (after cheese), Lauren 9.5, Kara 7, Dane 8
    Karen: “Smells good. Very smooth.”
    Becky: “Very smooth.”
    Mike: “Just what I wanted. Drinkable. Hits the right spot.”
    Lauren: “It’s exactly what I like to drink. It’s a TEN!”
    Karan: “It’s pretty good. I’ve had better ones.”Dane: “I like it.”
    Bob: “Refreshing.”
    Karen: “Nice color. Not heavy. Not many legs.”
    Note: Karen bought this one because of a bag of wine corks that were donated for"cork" angels. (to decorate a tree to the Wadsworth Museum for the Festival of the Trees) The majority of the corks were from this wine...and since it started with an "M" it was perfect for our tasting.

  2. McManis 2009 Ripon, CA
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 7.5, Becky 6, Lauren 7, Kara 4, Dane 2
    Karen: “No! This is almost a ‘turn it over to Micheal’ one”
    Bob: “Fizzy.”
    Karen: “Fruity. Tart.”
    Kara: “I don’t like this.”
    Becky: “Tart.”
    Mike: “I like it.”
    Lauren: “Not bad.”

  3. Matchbook 2009 Lake County Amora, CA
    Bob 6, Karen 6.5, Mike 6, Becky 6, Lauren 6, Kara 6, Dane 7
    Bob: “Nice smell!”
    Lauren: “Yes! Nice smell!”
    Becky: “I smell vanilla.”
    Lauren: “A little dry.”
    Bob: “Filled my tongue entirely.”
    Kara: “I like dry wines.”
    Karen: “Peppery.”

  4. Main Street 2007 Lake County
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 6.5, Becky 7, Laruen 6, Kara 8, Dane 7
    Lauren: “Oooooh. This one has cherry in it!”
    Becky: “Smells good.”
    Karen: “This is the driest one we’ve had tonight. I like this one.”
    Bob: “Smacked in the face cherry.”
    Kara: “I kind of like this one.”
    Dane: “Refreshing. Easy drinking.”
    Karen: “The 1st one was a good drinking wine. This one I’m enjoying more.”

'L's are Likeable

Thursday June 2, 2011
“L” hosted by Mike & Becky

  1. Los Vascos 2009 Colchagua Valley, Chile
    Bob 7, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 7, Jess 6.5
    Bob: “Wow! Much better than what we had at our place!”
    Karen: “Smells better than it tastes.”
    Jessica: “Yum! Very smooth. Not bland.”

  2. Louis M. Martini 2008 Sonoma County
    Bob 5.5, Karen 5.5, Mike 6, Becky 5.5, Jess 5.5
    Bob: “Not the aroma of the 1st one. Drinkable. Bitey.”
    Karen: “Much better with cheese.”
    Mike: “It’s growing on me.”
    Becky: “Tannins.”
    Karen: “Bitey. Lots of tannins.”

  3. Lindemans Bin 45 2009 Australia
    Bob 5.5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 5.5, Jess 5.5
    Bob: “Not a star.”
    Jess: “Not my favorite.”
    Karen: “This one doesn’t have a bite. More drinkable.”
    Mike: “I like it, but it’s plain.”
    Quote: “Did you hear we were at the Volcano (aka Tornado) in Springfield?”

  4. Lander Jenkins – Spirit Hawk – 2007 St Helena, CA
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 6, Jess 6
    Bob: “This smells familiar. It’s ehhhh. Not as good.”
    Karen: “Probably the best drinking wine tonight.”
    Jess: “Smooth.”

'K's are oKay

Sunday May 29, 2011
“K” hosted by Bob & Karen
Two special guest tasters from Pennsylvania

  1. Kendall Jackson Vinters Reserve 2007
    Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 5, Jess 5, Sean 6, Lauren 5, Stephen 4.5, Meg 5.5, Ed 3, Sue 6, Jason 3
    Becky: “Smells spicy.”
    Jason: “Smells like it’s going to be woody.”
    Karen: “Smells good.”
    Meg: “Not a very strong taste.”
    Sue: “Actually, I like this one.”
    Sean: “Not bad.”
    Jess: “Tastes better after cheese.”
    Stephen: ”I don’t really like it.”
    Mike: “Better after cheddar.”

  2. Kenwood 2007 Sonoma County
    Bob 5.5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 4.5, Jess 6, Sean 5, Lauren 6, Stephen 5, Meg 6, Ed 4, Sue 6, Jason 2.5
    Stephen: “It has legs.”
    Jess: “I’ve seen better legs. Attacks the nose.”
    Lauren: “It’s dry.”
    Jason: “Dry.”
    Bob: “Very dry. Dusty tongue. Not bad.”
    Mike: “Better with cheese. Gouda.”
    Sue: “Burns your nose.”

  3. Kendall Jackson Grand Reserve 2007 Sonoma Valley
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 3, Becky 3, Jess 5, Sean 2, Lauren 4, Stephen 4, Meg 3, Ed 3, Sue 3, Jason 2
    Lauren: “I don’t like this one.”
    Karen: “Smells like licorice. This is SO dry.”
    Bob: “This is good. This is the best one of the night.”
    Jason: “Smells woody.”
    Mike: “Trying to get the smell. Not quite turpentine..l.”
    Meg: “You can really smell the alcohol. Dessert in a glass.”
    Sue: “I like dry, but it’s kind of blah. This is the worst one of the night.”
    Jason (after reveal): “Very over-rated.”

  4. Charles Krug 2008 Napa Valley
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 4, Becky 5, Jess 6.5, Sean 7, Lauren 6, Stephen 5.5, Meg 7, Ed 4, Sue 7, Jason 3
    Karen: “Pretty color. Really nice.”
    Sean: “Drinkable.”
    Becky: “Vanilla taste.”
    Sue: “This one actually smells good. Smells the best of them all.”
    Ed: “Pretty good.”
    Jason: “All about the same.”
    Meg: “Dry and a little bit sweet.”
    Karen: “Try it after a brownie.”
    Sean: “Bad with brownie!”
    Bob: “That was not very good advice.”
    Jason: “With the brownie it’s kind of fuzzy.”

We Joyfully find a fabulous 'J' (one of these made the TOP 10)

Thursday, May 19, 2011
“J” Hosted by Mike and Becky

  1. Jack Barrett Paso Robles 2008
    Bob 8, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8, Jess 8.5, Sean 8
    Bob: “This is a good one! It will probably be my highest rating."
    Sean: “Pretty Good” (said with a higher voice inflection, which is VERY high praise for Sean)
    Becky: “Pleasant”
    Karen: “Not super dry.”
    Jess: “It’s really good”
    Karen liked what the wine maker said on the label…but I failed to record it...

  2. Juniper Canyon 2008 Sonoma, CA
    Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 7, Becky 6, Jess 7, Sean 7
    Bob: “Nice smell. Sharp like a knife.”
    Sean: “Not bad.”
    Becky: “More bitey than the 1st one.”
    Jess: “Sharper. I like it, though.”
    Karen: “Not as good as the first one.”

  3. Josh - Vintage 2007 North Coast bottled by Joseph Carr, Sonoma
    Bob 6, Karen 5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Jess 6, Sean 5.5
    Sean: “Looks bubbly.”
    Bob: “Spicy.”
    Sean: “Meh..”
    Karen: “Similar to the last one, but no bite.”
    Jess: “Spicy. I feel it in the back of my throat.”
    Mike: “I can’t make comments. I’m too happy.”

  4. Justin 2008 Paso Robles
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 6, Becky 7, Jess 7, Sean 5.5
    Jess: “Smoother than all the other ones.”
    Karen: “I like the smell. This isn’t bad. I like it a lot more than the last one.”
    Bob: “Tastes like chalk.”
    Becky: “Drier than the others.”
    Karen: “Definitely.”

'I' like at least one of these!

Thursday May 5, 2011 Cinco de Mayo!
Hosted by Karen & Bob
Five “guest” tasters are under 30. One guest is from South Africa.

  1. Il Bastardo Sangiovese 2009 Rufina, Italy
    Bob 5, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 7, Lauren 6, Dane 7.5, Kara 6, Claire 7, Jess 6
    Karen: “It doesn’t smell bad. Very Mild”
    Bob: “Ear tickle”
    Mike: “I like it”
    Lauren: “It smells like maple syrup”
    Claire: “It hurts my nose”
    Jess: “Tart”
    Kara: “It’s a fairly dry wine”
    Dane: “Tastes like chicken”
    Becky: “Dry on my tongue”

  2. Iron Stone 2009 Vintage Lodi Appellation Cabernet Franc
    Bob 4, Karen 5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Lauren 7, Dane 4, Kara 5, Claire 5, Jess 7
    Mike: “Sweet. No bitter after taste. Growing on me.”
    Lauren: “I like it. Much smoother.”
    Dane: “Yucky. Sweet & gross.”
    Bob: “Fruity. Bland. Like a Pop Tart.”
    Karen: “Too fruity”
    Claire: “I don’t like it. An angry wine.”
    Becky: “Definitely fruity”
    Lauren: “It’s all right. I don’t think it’s that bad!”

  3. Indian Wells Chateau St Michelle 2009 Columbia Valley, Washington
    Bob 7, Karen 7.5, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Lauren 7, Dane 7.5, Kara 6, Claire, 7, Jess 7
    Bob: “Much darker. Dark red wine. Plummy…NOT plumpy like me.”
    Karen: “This is dark. I like this so far. Smells good! This IS good!! Currents.”
    Dane: “Not bad.”
    Jess: “Oooooh, that’s smooth. I like it!”
    Becky: “Rich. I like it J”
    Lauren: “Smells like popcorn”
    Claire: “Ek hou baie van dis rooi/swart wyn!” (translation: I really like this black/red wine!”

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The H's Have it

Friday, April 29, 2011
Hosted by Becky & Mike
It’s Mike’s birthday!

  1. Hahn 2009. Central Coast. Monterey County
    Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 7.5, Jess 7, Sean 2
    Karen: "Dry, Smooth"
    Becky: "I like this a lot!"
    Bob: "Wow! It’s in the 7 category."
    Jess: "Yummy"
    Sean just scrunched his face…

  2. Hawk Crest 2006. Napa, CA
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 8, Becky 6, Jess 6, Sean 7
    Karen (likes the cork): "I get like licorice or something afterwards. It’s different. REally dry."
    Jess: "Pebbles"
    Bob: "If you keep drinking you get to BamBam"
    Sean: "I like it"

  3. Hess Select 2008
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6.5, Jess 6, Sean 5
    Karen: "Very similar to the 1st one. Drier."
    Sean: "Not as bad as the 1st one"
    Bob: "A chalkiness to it"
    Karen: "I agree with Bob"

  4. Hob Nob 2008. Produce of France
    Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 7, Becky 6, Jess 6.5, Sean 6
    Jessica: "Yummy"
    Bob: "Fresh"
    Sean: "I can’t smell"
    Karen: "Clean. Mild. Sweeter. Not as dry"
    Becky: "I like it. Butterscotch"
    Jessica likes the cork

A 4-G Night

Thursday April 21, 2011
Hosted by Karen & Bob

  1. Greg Norman 2008 North Coast California Estates
    Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 6, Lauren 5, Stephen 4, Kara 5, Dane 4
    Lauren: “I like the smell.”
    Karen: “Bitey. Doesn’t fill your mouth at all.”
    Kara: “Not a huge fan. Not a huge amount of taste.”
    Stephen: “Sour & Bitter.”
    Dane: “S’all right.”
    Becky: “Smells good. Tastes good after Muenster cheese.”

  2. Gnarly Head 2009 California. Manteca, CA
    Bob 5, Karen 5.5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Lauren 6, Stephen 7, Kara 5, Dane 5.5
    Lauren: “No smell at all. Better than the lst one but too dry for me.”
    Becky: “Tastes dry. No smell.”
    Karen: “Very dry. Not a lot of flavor.”
    Stephen: “Drinkability”
    Kara: “I like this better than the other one

  3. Geyser Peak – Sonoma County – 2006 Alexander Valley
    Bob 4, Karen 1, Mike 6, Becky 4, Lauren 7, Stephen 6, Kara 4, Dane 5
    Karen: “Smells musty. This is going to be a Micheal one”. [took 2 sips then poured into Mike’s glass]
    Becky: “Tastes bitey.”
    Lauren: “Buttery. Smooth.”
    Stephen: “Smooth. Easiest to drink.”
    Bob (said with scrunched up face): “Almost Sour” [Poured his into Stephen’s glass!!]
    Kara: “I like the smell of this one. Smells “grapey”. Doesn’t feel like I’m drinking wine.”
    Mike: “Easiest one to drink by far.”
    Stephen: “Plus 1 with Gouda!” [in other words, after Gouda cheese he scores it a 7]
    Karen: “Maybe it’s the mocha I don’t like. It is a little better with the Gouda.”

  4. Grayson Cellars 2009
    Bob 4.5, Karen 4, Mike 4, Becky 4, Lauren 7.5, Stephen 7.5, Kara 4, Dane 2
    Kara: “I don’t like the smell” [scrunched her nose] “Pretty color though”
    Karen: “Very, very berry”
    Lauren: “I don’t mind the smell”
    Mike: “That’s good. More fruity.”
    Becky: “Vanilla taste. Fruity.”
    Bob: “I could make it better than this!”
    Dane: “I don’t like it.”
    Stephen: “My favorite of the night! Are you kidding me?!? This is like a 9!”

F's try..but Fail

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Hosted by Becky & Mike

  1. Fish Eye 2009 Southeastern Australia ($6! and a Screw top!)
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6, Jess 7, Sean 7
    Bob: “Chalky”
    Karen: “Smokey aroma. More of an aftertaste than initial taste.”
    Jess: “Yummy.”
    Sean: “Kind of sweet, but dry.”

  2. Flock 2007 Paso Robles
    Bob 6, Karen 7, Mike 7, Becky 6, Jess 6, Sean 5
    Mike: “Ooooh.”
    Becky: “Smells good.”
    Karen: “Smells better…oh-YUM! So smooth. No bite at all.”
    Jess: “Smooth like a Russian vodka.”
    Bob: “I can’t tell if I like it. Not in love with the FLOCK. Pair it with Baked Ruffles.”
    Karen: “Easy wine to drink with a bunch of different foods.”
    Sean: “It’d be good for the one glass of wine a day. Gets worse as you drink it. Not a wow.”

  3. Frei Brothers Reserve. Alexander Valley 2007. North Sonoma
    Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 4, Becky 4, Jess 5, Sean 5
    Sean: “It tastes like a box wine I used to buy.”
    Jess: “It’s all right.”
    Bob: “I’m striking out tonight”
    Becky: “It tastes thin.”
    Karen: “I don’t like it.”

  4. Leese Fitch 2009 Sonoma
    Bob 5, Karen 3, Mike 4, Becky 4, Jess 5.5, Sean 7
    Karen: “I don’t like the smell.” (gave hers to Sean!)
    Jess: “This is a drinker.”
    Bob: “This is a drinker. Not a good one. Just a drinker.”
    Sean: “I agree with Bob. It’s easy. I liked it.”

E's are Excellent!

Thursday April 7, 2011
Hosted by Karen & Bob

  1. Estancia 2008 Paso Robles - Keyes Canyon Ranches
    Bob 7, Karen 8, Mike 8, Becky 8
    Karen: "Ooooh, does that smell good!"
    Becky: "Smells really good."
    Mike: "Smooth. No bitter after taste."
    Bob: "Bold."
    [Tony at Super Cellar suggested aluminum foil to cover the label. He likes the alphabet idea.]
    The first taste is the best. Not an eating wine.

  2. Earthquake 2008
    Bob 7, Karen 9, Mike 7, Becky 7
    Bob: "Ooooh. Velvet."
    Karen: "Wow! Is that amazing. If this tastes half as good as it smells...."
    [Tony said "Killer Cab" when Karen picked it out at the store]
    Becky: "Taste of vanilla, smooth."
    Karen: "Velvet"
    Becky: "I love the label!"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dangerous "D"

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Hosted by Becky and Mike

We had a bit of a gap between wine tastings. We try to do it every week, but sometimes people are out of town. Rule #3: All of the original "tasters" have to be present.

  1. Director's Cut - Francis Ford Coppola - 2007 Alexander Valley
    Bob-7, Karen-7, Mike-7, Becky-7, Jess-7, Sean-6
    Bob: "This is a good one! Excellent!"
    Karen: "Light, not full bodied."
    Mike: "No comment"
    Jess: "Yummy"
    Sean: "It's okay"
    note from Becky- It's okay from Sean is high praise

  2. Decoy 2008 Napa Valley
    Bob-5, Karen-6, Mike-6, Becky-5.5, Jess-6, Sean-7
    Bob: "It's a PORK wine"
    Becky: "Mellow"
    Karen: "Not a lot of taste. Mild"
    Jess: "More mellow. After taste sneaks up on you"
    Sean: "I like it better after eating the pork"

  3. Dogajolo Toscajno - dry Red Wine of Tuscany 2009
    NOTE: We broke the rule!! This is NOT a CAB!!
    Bob-5, Karen-2, Mike-5, Becky-4, Jess-5, Sean-5
    Bob: "It's served out of a bag!" (we were still using the brown bags at this point...)
    Before Karen even tasted it she said "I am not going to like this". After she tasted it she said "I really don't like it", THEN she poured the rest into Mike's glass
    Becky: "I don't really like it. It makes me thirsty"
    Jessica: "It's subtle. I don't mind it"
    Sean: "It does smell funny...tastes kind of vinegary. It's okay"

Next up: E's are Excellent!

"C" you...

Thursday, March 10, 2011 "C"
Hosted by Karen and Bob

  1. CLOS du BOIS - North Coast 2007
    Bob-7, Karen-8, Mike-6, Becky-7, Lauren-8
    Karen: "Smells good"
    Mike: "Has a harsh taste at the end"
    Bob: "It's a little...what's that taste....Musty"
    Lauren: "It's better than the A's!!"
    Becky: "I love the smell! I don't even need to drink it!"

  2. Charles Krug 2007 - Yountville - Napa Valley
    Bob-6, Karen-3, Mike-5, Becky-4, Lauren-4
    Mike: "It has a bland taste"
    Karen: "I don't like the taste"

"B's are Better"

Thursday, February 24, 2011 "B's are Better"
Hosted by Becky and Mike
I take liberties with some words...in other words, they may not really be words....

  1. Barefoot - Barefoot Cellars, Modesta, CA
    Bob-6, Karen-6, Mike-6, Becky-7, Sean 6.5, Jessica-7
    Karen: "Light"
    Jessica: "Yummy"
    Bob: "Drinkable"

  2. Buehler Vineyards 2007 - Napa Valley, St. Helena, CA
    Bob-6, Karen-5, Mike-6, Becky-7, Sean 6.5, Jessica-7
    Karen: "I don't like the smell"
    Sean: "So, so"
    Mike: "I don't like the smell on the cork"
    Becky: "Peppery"
    Jessica: "Bold after taste"

  3. Barnwood 2008 - Santa Barbara Highlands Vineyard
    Bob-5, Karen-4, Mike-7, Becky-6, Sean-4, Jess-6
    Karen: "Sour, tangy"
    Bob: "Vinegary"

  4. BV Beaulieu Vineyard 2009 - Sonoma, CA
    Bob-7, Karen-8, Mike-8, Becky-6, Sean-7.5, Jess-6
    Karen: "Smooth, not bitey"
    Jess: "Not my favorite, but I would drink it again"
    Sean to Jess: "You would drink any wine again!"
    Mike: "Good taste"
    Karen: "Nice smell"

NOTE: Sean rated the BigY World Classics Maple ham a "9"

The "A"s don't have it!

Thursday, February 27, 2011

Karen and Bob hosted the "A's". Our first night was an experiment. Bob and Karen used paper bags to cover up the wines, and after we tasted the wines, we ranked them from 1 to 10. I keep a diary of comments, and have also entered all scores into an excel spreadsheet.

You will notice (if you keep reading the blog) that the comments get more detailed as we move along the alphabet. Also, you will see that we start learning about each other - what kinds of wines we each prefer.

  1. Alexander Valley Vineyards 2008 - Sonoma County
    Ratings: Bob-5, Karen-6, Mike-6, Becky-6

  2. Angeline - Alexander Valley 2008
    Bob-4, Karen-2, Mike-5, Becky-4
    Karen - "Doesn't smell good"

  3. Archstone Vineyards 2007 - Napa Valley
    Bob-4, Karen-4, Mike-4, Becky-4
    "Smells Good"; "Very Dry"

Next Up: "B's are Better"

ABC Cabernet tastings - the beginning

It all started because we needed a tenor in the church choir...

Bob, Karen and I told Mike that if he joined the choir we would go out after practice every Thursday for drinks and appetizers. After a while we decided that it would be more fun (and less expensive!) to take turns hosting a "wine & cheese" night. Then Bob had the brilliant idea to "Taste the Vine" in alphabetical order. We started with Cabernet Sauvignon. The rules were simple: 1) The wine had to start with your designated letter (i.e. "A"), and 2) the bottle had to be covered up so we didn't know what we were drinking.

As we moved through the alphabet, we became more sophisticated with how we covered the bottles. We started with paper bags, moved to aluminum foil, and then came up with the perfect covering....SOCKS!

Next up..."A" wines