“K” hosted by Bob & Karen
Two special guest tasters from Pennsylvania
- Kendall Jackson Vinters Reserve 2007
Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 5, Jess 5, Sean 6, Lauren 5, Stephen 4.5, Meg 5.5, Ed 3, Sue 6, Jason 3
Becky: “Smells spicy.”
Jason: “Smells like it’s going to be woody.”
Karen: “Smells good.”
Meg: “Not a very strong taste.”
Sue: “Actually, I like this one.”
Sean: “Not bad.”
Jess: “Tastes better after cheese.”
Stephen: ”I don’t really like it.”
Mike: “Better after cheddar.” - Kenwood 2007 Sonoma County
Bob 5.5, Karen 6, Mike 6, Becky 4.5, Jess 6, Sean 5, Lauren 6, Stephen 5, Meg 6, Ed 4, Sue 6, Jason 2.5
Stephen: “It has legs.”
Jess: “I’ve seen better legs. Attacks the nose.”
Lauren: “It’s dry.”
Jason: “Dry.”
Bob: “Very dry. Dusty tongue. Not bad.”
Mike: “Better with cheese. Gouda.”
Sue: “Burns your nose.” - Kendall Jackson Grand Reserve 2007 Sonoma Valley
Bob 6, Karen 6, Mike 3, Becky 3, Jess 5, Sean 2, Lauren 4, Stephen 4, Meg 3, Ed 3, Sue 3, Jason 2
Lauren: “I don’t like this one.”
Karen: “Smells like licorice. This is SO dry.”
Bob: “This is good. This is the best one of the night.”
Jason: “Smells woody.”
Mike: “Trying to get the smell. Not quite turpentine..l.”
Meg: “You can really smell the alcohol. Dessert in a glass.”
Sue: “I like dry, but it’s kind of blah. This is the worst one of the night.”
Jason (after reveal): “Very over-rated.” - Charles Krug 2008 Napa Valley
Bob 7, Karen 7, Mike 4, Becky 5, Jess 6.5, Sean 7, Lauren 6, Stephen 5.5, Meg 7, Ed 4, Sue 7, Jason 3
Karen: “Pretty color. Really nice.”
Sean: “Drinkable.”
Becky: “Vanilla taste.”
Sue: “This one actually smells good. Smells the best of them all.”
Ed: “Pretty good.”
Jason: “All about the same.”
Meg: “Dry and a little bit sweet.”
Karen: “Try it after a brownie.”
Sean: “Bad with brownie!”
Bob: “That was not very good advice.”
Jason: “With the brownie it’s kind of fuzzy.”
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