Thursday April 21, 2011
Hosted by Karen & Bob
- Greg Norman 2008 North Coast California Estates
Bob 5, Karen 5, Mike 5, Becky 6, Lauren 5, Stephen 4, Kara 5, Dane 4
Lauren: “I like the smell.”
Karen: “Bitey. Doesn’t fill your mouth at all.”
Kara: “Not a huge fan. Not a huge amount of taste.”
Stephen: “Sour & Bitter.”
Dane: “S’all right.”
Becky: “Smells good. Tastes good after Muenster cheese.” - Gnarly Head 2009 California. Manteca, CA
Bob 5, Karen 5.5, Mike 6, Becky 5, Lauren 6, Stephen 7, Kara 5, Dane 5.5
Lauren: “No smell at all. Better than the lst one but too dry for me.”
Becky: “Tastes dry. No smell.”
Karen: “Very dry. Not a lot of flavor.”
Stephen: “Drinkability”
Kara: “I like this better than the other one - Geyser Peak – Sonoma County – 2006 Alexander Valley
Bob 4, Karen 1, Mike 6, Becky 4, Lauren 7, Stephen 6, Kara 4, Dane 5
Karen: “Smells musty. This is going to be a Micheal one”. [took 2 sips then poured into Mike’s glass]
Becky: “Tastes bitey.”
Lauren: “Buttery. Smooth.”
Stephen: “Smooth. Easiest to drink.”
Bob (said with scrunched up face): “Almost Sour” [Poured his into Stephen’s glass!!]
Kara: “I like the smell of this one. Smells “grapey”. Doesn’t feel like I’m drinking wine.”
Mike: “Easiest one to drink by far.”
Stephen: “Plus 1 with Gouda!” [in other words, after Gouda cheese he scores it a 7]
Karen: “Maybe it’s the mocha I don’t like. It is a little better with the Gouda.” - Grayson Cellars 2009
Bob 4.5, Karen 4, Mike 4, Becky 4, Lauren 7.5, Stephen 7.5, Kara 4, Dane 2
Kara: “I don’t like the smell” [scrunched her nose] “Pretty color though”
Karen: “Very, very berry”
Lauren: “I don’t mind the smell”
Mike: “That’s good. More fruity.”
Becky: “Vanilla taste. Fruity.”
Bob: “I could make it better than this!”
Dane: “I don’t like it.”
Stephen: “My favorite of the night! Are you kidding me?!? This is like a 9!”
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